
Showing posts from March, 2020

Week #87.4 - PROGRESS!!!! (Corona Days)

¡ Hola MI amigos! (Picture from Monday) Cómo. Éstís.  First order of business.  Yes mom. Yes dad. I did get the package. Thank you for the snacks. Now I have a variety of good snacks, thank you! Now for the good stuff! Today was better than the rest, mainly because we were able to have some good conversations with people that have been taught! We were able to set up a lot of lessons. Felt good to help the work move forward. We had a great lesson with a member today, as well. We talked about Mosiah 24, where Alma and his people are in bondage and can't see an end to it.   But they stay diligent and God comforts them and lightens their burdens. This is awesome cuz a lot of people don't see an end to the Coronavirus right now and maybe the end of it isn't near, but I know God will lighten the load of the journey. He knows what we need individually. So if we are able to come unto Him, He will guide you! I love y'all,  Elder Furphy 😍😍?...

Week #87.3 - 7 dayssssss

Hey y'all! It's Elder Furphyyyyyy!!!! (repeat picture from Week #87) Sorry I have totally spaced the last couple days. We've been SO busy. Just kidding. But hey, don't get mad. I'm here now.   I am alive haha.  Here's the update.  So, we've been inside for a week now texting so many people! A few respond out of the 50 we text per day. Sometimes we feel edgy and text 100 people. (prolly not, but it's a big number). But what has been giving me a lot of peace lately is the members that have embraced us. They let us call them and teach them. It helps me feel the Spirit and we help them feel the Spirit. Lately, we have been sharing Moroni 7:40-48 which focuses on charity and how we ourselves can obtain charity. It is a good thing to have during these Corona Days especially since Moroni says, "charity never faileth." A lot of people are unsure during these times and charity will definitely help you out during Corona days. ...

Week #87 - Corona Days! Not Your Average Week :|

Heyooooooooooooooo!!!! Me n' Joe *BLEEEEEH* Water BOIIIIIII This dog ain't dead. It's just super hot outside What's good y'all? I know, getting daily updates is weird. But I am going to keep making my weeklies, cuz I got nothing better to do while in isolation 😀. This week was still pretty great! In the beginning of the week, Elder Rasmussen and I were able to go outside still.    Elder Rasmussen had a final Chick-fil-a run before the shut in So on Monday and Tuesday we found 5 people to teach and they are all super cool!   2 of them were referrals.   Gotta love them referrals. One of them was a guy whose dad was baptized like 8 weeks ago and he wanted to meet with missionaries so he could learn what his dad was being taught.   It was actually a great lesson and he wants to keep learning more!   So we have to do video lessons now. YAAAAY.    Find the FROG Me and Elder HUISH (feat. Eld...

Week #86.6 - Corona Days: transfer news

Howdy Familia! So today was pretty okay. I made a goal to read a lot of scriptures during these next couple weeks. Turns out, I'm super bad at reading a lot. So I'm gonna work on it. I want to read all of Jesus the Christ. I am also trying to read all of the Pearl of Great Price, Doctrine and Covenants, and the New Testament.   I might venture into the Old Testament if I feel edgy 😜💯. Today, we didn't really have a whole lot of success. The governor of Louisiana said that we are gonna go on a shutdown tomorrow.   But really that means, if you have to go outside, avoid all humans possible. 6 FEET AWAY! We got to take the Sacrament today!!!! Bishop had us over and Elder Rasmussen and I were able to bless it. It feels good to renew Covenants. So Transfers! I will be staying in Lake Charles to finish my mission. Elder Rasmussen, however, is leaving and going up the street to Moss Bluff! I will be with Elder Nash this next transfer. He's a homie and I...

Week #86.5 - Corona Days 03-21-2020

Hey y'all! So, we have been officially quarantined for 2 days now. So, we have been asked to send our families daily updates of what we have been learning/experiencing during this time of being shut in. We are only allowed to leave our apartments to get fresh air for about 20 to 30 minutes,   or if we need to shop on p-day. So it's not a full lock down yet. It had been an interesting day. We started out with a mission wide zoom call, in which President Hewlett let us know how we are going to progress through the next transfer or 2. Basically, we are to proselyte from our apartments now.  So... That's been fun. We have been going through all of the people in areabook and texting them asking if they would like to hear a message of hope and joy that would help them during this time of uncertainty. We literally got no response ALL day. But, finally around 6pm, we got a response from a guy. He said he wasn't the guy we were looking for. But we asked if he was i...

Week #86 - "When all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you"

ZOOOO-WEEEE-MAMA!!!  This is all kinda wild. Who would have thought, HAVING A CRAWFISH BOIL WOULD BE SO AWESOME!!!!!   Happy Crawfish My crawfish, Jimmy, is a wizard Boiled Crawfish 😋 We had a crawfish boil drive-thru on Saturday. We helped set it all up and it was sweet! We had about 100+ lbs of live crawfish to boil. So we boiled them all, ate a ton of them and then gave the rest away to all those who came through the drive-thru. Why was it a drive-thru? Cuz of the church's statement about not having gatherings anymore. Corona done got us this time 😉😒. It was all a good experience though.    Sister Hullinger wasn't down to hold a crawfish, but after some persuasion,  she has now had a true Louisianan experience Lil' Blurry but the gang.  (Sister Larsen, Sister Hullinger, Elder Palmer, Elder Houser,  Elder Nash, Elder Rasmussen, Me, and Elder Nagle) DUMP THEM But, even though we cou...