Week #86 - "When all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you"


This is all kinda wild.

Who would have thought,

Happy Crawfish

My crawfish, Jimmy, is a wizard

Boiled Crawfish 😋

We had a crawfish boil drive-thru on Saturday. We helped set it all up and it was sweet! We had about 100+ lbs of live crawfish to boil. So we boiled them all, ate a ton of them and then gave the rest away to all those who came through the drive-thru. Why was it a drive-thru? Cuz of the church's statement about not having gatherings anymore. Corona done got us this time 😉😒. It was all a good experience though. 
Sister Hullinger wasn't down to hold a crawfish, but after some persuasion,
 she has now had a true Louisianan experience

Lil' Blurry but the gang. 
(Sister Larsen, Sister Hullinger, Elder Palmer, Elder Houser, 
Elder Nash, Elder Rasmussen, Me, and Elder Nagle)


But, even though we couldn't shake hands this week, we were still able to have some cool experiences.  We have been meeting with a lady named Britney and she is super sweet! Elder Nash and I taught her, on Monday, on our exchange and it was POURING. She let us in and we taught her the restoration. She said she had even been reading the Book of Mormon for the last 20 days!  The best part is that she likes it. She said, before we even had the thought to talk about the Word of Wisdom, that she would struggle to give up coffee and tea but that she would try. We were like, "WHHHHAAAAAAAAAAT." We went by yesterday to give her a Come, Follow Me book,  cuz church is suspended for the time being. Now she can study effectively from the Book of Mormon. She's cool. We even taught her about the Word of Wisdom yesterday. She understands it and is going to pray to know if the Book of Mormon is true and if Joseph Smith is a Prophet. She is super cool.

Elder Nash and I 10 min before we met Britney.

Elder Palmer, Elder Nagle and I at Canes bb

Elder Rasmussen, He sleepeth (@ Elder Boam)

Also, cool experience:

We went by a guy to see if he was home. He wasn't. We felt like we needed to walk to the rest of the people we wanted to visit. We decided to head towards Britney's house, about a mile away.  On our way, we helped a guy do his yard work and he was super grateful.  He even said he would meet with missionaries when he gets to his new home (he didn't live at that house). SO, that was neat! We continued on towards Britney's house and on our way a Black Jeep passed us. We show up to her house and the black jeep is there!  Turns out it is hers.  If we would have driven there, we would have missed the opportunity to talk with her and it would've been sad.  On our way back to the car,  we were able to get in contact with some people who we haven't seen for a month, so it was sweet.

But for the realsies...
1. My heart goes out to the family of Hermana Pindar. She was an AWESOME missionary! Send prayers their way.

2. Pray for Sister Custer! She just recently got in a vehicular accident and is going in for surgery today. 

3. I am fine. Corona won't kill me cuz I have my 2 week supply of food and prayers from y'all back home. My hands have never been cleaner. It's a fun time. There are adjustments being made every day.  So go to the church newsroom to learn all about it. https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/


No mas agua


So... With all this crap going on, I can't help but see that the adversary is trying to hinder the work. But I am also seeing so many miracles from our diligent efforts to keep the work moving. Is it rough? Yes. But that's what makes a mission awesome. Literally, my hardest times on my mission have been the best. And the reason is because my Heavenly Father is giving me a chance to grow and become a better person. 

Remember what Helaman said:

And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the arock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your bfoundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty cstorm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall.

- Helaman 5:12

Now, we can either crumble under trials, or we can choose to rely upon our Savior. This truly is a dark time to a lot of us, but what I DO know, is that Jesus Christ is able to help us through ALL things. So don't freak out! It will all work out one way or another. I am truly grateful for the knowledge I have of this gospel. It has helped me so much. 

I love you all! I hope they don't send me home early cuz that would be the BIGGEST of ALL bummers!
Downtown Lake Charles

The night before certification, Elder Rasmussen and I stayed with the APs. He did really well at certification!

this is for Elder Farley

We found a pink dolphin today (I love it)

Un dolphin

Elder Furphy


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