Week #87.3 - 7 dayssssss
Hey y'all! It's Elder Furphyyyyyy!!!!
(repeat picture from Week #87)
Sorry I have totally spaced the last couple days. We've been SO
busy. Just kidding. But hey, don't get mad. I'm here now. I am alive haha.
Here's the update.
So, we've been inside for a week now texting so many people! A
few respond out of the 50 we text per day. Sometimes we feel edgy and text 100
people. (prolly not, but it's a big number). But what has been giving me a lot
of peace lately is the members that have embraced us. They let us call them and
teach them. It helps me feel the Spirit and we help them feel the Spirit.
Lately, we have been sharing Moroni 7:40-48 which focuses on charity and how we
ourselves can obtain charity. It is a good thing to have during these Corona
Days especially since Moroni says, "charity never faileth." A lot of
people are unsure during these times and charity will definitely help you out
during Corona days.
The days are going slow. A big reason being that we are stuck
inside. So I've been praying to know how I can be more effective. We have daily
devotionals over zoom across the mission. Those help me feel inspired. It's
good to gather as a mission and discuss what has been working and to learn from
one another.
I am super stoked to be in Louisiana still though. I can
literally feel a miracle right around the corner. So I'm gonna keep trying to
talk to EVERYONE!!!! It's gonna be sweet!
I love y'all,
Elder Furphy
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