Week #87 - Corona Days! Not Your Average Week :|


Me n' Joe



This dog ain't dead. It's just super hot outside

What's good y'all? I know, getting daily updates is weird. But I am going to keep making my weeklies, cuz I got nothing better to do while in isolation 😀. This week was still pretty great! In the beginning of the week, Elder Rasmussen and I were able to go outside still.  

Elder Rasmussen had a final Chick-fil-a run before the shut in

So on Monday and Tuesday we found 5 people to teach and they are all super cool!  2 of them were referrals.  Gotta love them referrals. One of them was a guy whose dad was baptized like 8 weeks ago and he wanted to meet with missionaries so he could learn what his dad was being taught.  It was actually a great lesson and he wants to keep learning more!  So we have to do video lessons now. YAAAAY. 
Find the FROG

Me and Elder HUISH (feat. Elder Rasmussen)

Me and Elder PINSON

The big termite

We had a special fast in the beginning of this week to help the families of Hermana Pindar and Sister Custer.  It was very special and good.  I know the Lord will help us find miracles throughout these upcoming weeks!  It's GONNA happen. 

I also went on an exchange with Elder Nash this week.  It was sweet! We went to a member, who had us paint a brick with our names on it and things from our home towns.  I will include a pic of that.  


Elder Nash and I had a final Tennis Match
Elder Nash and I were having some fun on our exchange

But halfway through our exchange, we were doing some service and we got a text saying all missionaries are now required to work from home now.  So we went to the apartment for the rest of the day trying to do missionary work.  It was kinda wack.  But hey, I'm boutta get real good at being a tech-savvy missionary. 

Guidelines for the Louisiana Shutdown

A storms a comin' Annie

 We had a mission wide zoom call the next day, to talk about what we should do during the upcoming weeks.  Basically work really close with the ward and the people we're teaching via phone, text, video calls.  So it's gonna be a great 6 weeks :). 
My last Transfer Board



For the past couple days, it's been quarantine. I am doing great so far.  I know there will be some trying times.  But hey, I think it will be just fine.  I have a lot of scriptures to read haha. I'm either gonna learn a LOT or nothing.  There is no in between.  So I'm gonna choose to learn. CONFERENCE IS COMING!!! I can't wait. 

Spiritual Thought:

Mormon 9:28

28 Be awise in the days of your bprobation;  strip yourselves of all uncleanness; ask not, that ye may consume it on your clusts, but ask with a firmness unshaken, that ye will yield to no temptation, but that ye will serve the true and dliving God.

I like this verse. We only have so many days here on Earth. It might seem like a long time, but in the grand scheme of things it matters a whole lot. SO we gotta do the things the Lord wants. It will bless us! We can't YIELD to temptation!  It ain't worth it. The gospel literally only blesses us. 

I love y'all and I hope your corona days are better than my corona day haha.  
Corona Killed School

Elder Furphy (Yeah BOIIII!)


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