
Showing posts from July, 2019

Week #53 - "No hablo inglés"

What a week my dudes. We are having so much fun out here, Elder Peterson and I. A lot has happened, but has gone by so fast. SO here we go! Elder Peterson and I (that's for you mom) We had a meeting, on Tuesday, called MLC.  We were able to council about how we can better follow up, as missionaries, with the people we are teaching. We had a great discussion and we role-played situations where we followed up with people's praying, Book of Mormon reading, and with Sacrament attendance. I was able to understand better how important "the commitments" and "follow ups" we have with people. If we don't follow up, they don't think we care. So we are gonna start cracking down on that. I'm pretty sure it's gonna be super sweet.  We changed the *STL's tire after they ran over a nail It wet So after that we had to start preparing for Friday's District Training.  We go to the districts, in our zone, and teach them what we h...

Week #52 - It's do or die bb [insert massive dab emoji]

I've got to say, this has been the longest week of my life. I knew coming into this that a Zone Leader had some extra work to do, but boi, this be a lot of work man. It's all good though, in the end, I'm still super happy to be doing this work and helping out the zone.  Me and mah boi, Elder Cook So Elder Peterson and I made the zone vision this week, but that took a lot of brain power and straight revelation.  So I was pretty wiped out every night this week. I have never slept better in my entire life.  Our zone vision focused a lot on Elder Uchtdorf's talk, from this last conference.  We shared how we, as a zone, need to first come closer to Christ and then we will be more confident, in the day, as we go about sharing our testimonies with people, about the gospel.  Elder Peterson done fell outta the car We were able to find 4 new people to teach this week too. One of them, Lionel, is super cool. We walked up to his door, he answered, we told hi...

Week #51 - Back to the beginning bb

So! Elder Boam and I are done and over with now, in Woodville. But, we had a sweet last week of the transfer working our butts off.   l e shtick   Elder  Boam and a doggo   Lizard Boio Some wood I was able to go on an exchange with our Zone Leader, Elder Slade, in the Beaumont YSA Branch. I was able to attend institute. It was a lot of fun, cuz I got to wear normal street clothes again.      me and a field bb sticks (ALOT OF THEM) Then, we went on exchanges with my main man, Elder Gregory, in Jasper, Texas. We had a sweet time knocking on doors and were able to find 2 new people to teach! It was so sweet. One guy we met had read the book of Mormon 3 times. He said he never could get an understanding if it was true. So I asked him if he had prayed about it and he said no. So I challenged him to and he accepted. So that's a win.  BUT, on Sunday, we were in church when President called me and to...

Week #50 - Freedom Week bb

ALLLLLLLLLRIGHTAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! Who's reaaady???? Zone p-day pic This week was eventful, but, not our most productive week. We had a lot of trips, to Houston and Kingwood, this week so that was a big ol' BUMMER!  SO, Elder Boam had to go to the doctor, on TUESDAY, cuz his knee was giving him some issues. So, basically the doctor told him to - not be stupid and wreck his knee even more than he had. That basically secured him with a car area, in his mission, until January of 2020. nice. But, we obviously couldn't have driven to Houston by ourselves, so we had the wonderful opportunity of driving with T.H.E. Mission nurse, Sister Melzer. She's super cool. Especially cuz she took us to Canes after the appointment. What a hero to mankind.  Then, on WEDNESDAY, we drove with Elder McBride and Elder Bell to Kingwood to get Elder Boam and all the other new missionaries certified. It was sweet cuz my boy is now an official missionary (even though he totally was be...

Week #49 - Hot days, cool nights, summa shplash

WAZAAAAAAAA???? This week has been pretty interesting. The days were hot and the nights were cool. That is a fact. Elder Boam and I have biked so many places and knocked on so many doors.  I don't think we haven't met anyone new at this point. But hey, we still have 2 weeks to exalt Woodville and it's gonna happen. Elder Boam So we were gonna have a sweet lesson with Aaron this week. We went by, on Wednesday, to see him and he said he was still willing to have the lesson.  Then about 4 hours later, we got a text from him saying he was moving to Galveston, in like 5 minutes. So, that was fun.   Elder Boam - he sleepeth Water Balloon volleyball On Saturday, we had a sweet time in Ivanhoe.  We also got fed by the Thompsons. That was very nice. We had some sweet lessons there too, cuz they all included us setting some super cool expectations with people.    Elder Boam - he sleepeth  Lock on the wrong side  l...