Week #49 - Hot days, cool nights, summa shplash


This week has been pretty interesting. The days were hot and the nights were cool. That is a fact. Elder Boam and I have biked so many places and knocked on so many doors.  I don't think we haven't met anyone new at this point. But hey, we still have 2 weeks to exalt Woodville and it's gonna happen.

Elder Boam

So we were gonna have a sweet lesson with Aaron this week. We went by, on Wednesday, to see him and he said he was still willing to have the lesson.  Then about 4 hours later, we got a text from him saying he was moving to Galveston, in like 5 minutes. So, that was fun.
 Elder Boam - he sleepeth

Water Balloon volleyball

On Saturday, we had a sweet time in Ivanhoe.  We also got fed by the Thompsons. That was very nice. We had some sweet lessons there too, cuz they all included us setting some super cool expectations with people. 

 Elder Boam - he sleepeth

 Lock on the wrong side

 leaf and pine cone

BIG  Burger

 Doorbell on the pane

Elder Boam getting a haircut

We had 5 investigators come to church, on Sunday, so that was AWESOME. 

Elder Furphy, ?, Elder Boam

We are currently having a very fun p-day, in Port Arthur, cuz we got 6 baptisms in the zone. So, we have a zone p-day.  P-day lasts til 9pm. [insert massive dab emoji] I am also hanging with my Boi, Elder Morris, so that's sweet 👌👌👌

 Elder Furphy and Elder Morris


Elder Boam - he sleepth

Jesus is good and life is good. Y'all have a sweet week. 

Elder Furphy 


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