
Showing posts from August, 2018

Week #5 - Water is gold my dude!

What is up my fellow sons and daughters of God? So, yes, I have officially been out a month 🤠🤠 and life is goin pretty good! This week was sweet and salty haha. Sooo to begin, on last pday, we had a great end to that day cuz Elder Wood and I went to the park around 8pm and talked to a group of three 18-19 year olds. And it was interesting to see what their life was like right now because of their religious background. One of them didn't believe in God at all and believed that when we die that's it. He also happened to be doing drugs. The second didn't believe in God, but believed that there was heaven and hell. He seemed like he was just cruisin through life. The last one was a Christian and it seemed like she had her life in order. So yeah it was interesting to say the least.  On Tuesday, it was a slow day cuz Elder Wood's bike was janky, so we had to fix it.  Buuuuut, we eventually got to ride around.  So, we went walking around with Curtis and then...

Week #4 - Ooooo baby, it's Texas!!

HEYOOO!  Sooooo this has been a pretty awesome week! It started off with me getting to meet my new companion/trainer Elder Wood and he is pretty cool. He was in band so we have a couple of things in common.  But, on my first real day out, I got to meet a real cool convert named Curtis and he is THE man. He took us to dinner and it was awesome. He also bought us matching ties to wear on Sunday, so that was way cool. But yeah, we've seen him every day so far in different parts of town haha.  We had some way cool experiences too.    In one day, in one hour, we got 3 new investigators, so that was really cool.   It's crazy to see the people we teach change as the spirit teaches them. It's way cool.  I met a member named Brother Flores and he's real cool too. He fed us twice this last week. He is always looking for ways to help us out, so that's cool.  We have been biking a lot, but it's all good!   We sometimes ride on the highwa...

Week #3.3 - Elder Wood is his new companion!

Your missionary has had an interview with President Hewlett. The President has assigned a training companion to help guide your missionary into missionary life. With full support we know your missionary will be successful in their everyday endeavors. P-Days are every Monday, except on Transfer weeks, then it is on Tuesday.   You should be receiving an email from your missionary on P-Days Thank you for all you do to support your missionary, Sister Christensen Office Secretary T.H.E. Mission Elder Wood and Elder Furphy (2nd Companion) Heyo, So we met our trainers and mine is named Elder Wood. He's a cool guy that was in band in high school so we have a  little in common. I am serving in Humble, Texas for my first area. It's not in the countryside so it's all good. Feels  good to be out in the field! Elder Wood

Week #3.2 - Email from Mission President Hewlett

Your Missionary has arrived safely to T.H.E. Mission! Upon arrival we met your missionary at the airport.  They went to the Mission Home had dinner and a Family Home Evening. Tuesday they will be focused on training and interviews conducted by President Hewlett.  Then they met their new companion and were transported to their area of service. They are now out diligently searching for our Heavenly Father's children and doing the work of the Lord. Thank you for sending your daughters and sons to us. They have added great strength to our small army here in the Texas Houston East Mission. We love them and are so grateful to have them with us. You will find attached a picture of your newly arrived missionary with Sister Hewlett and myself.  Later we will send a picture with their trainer. (Attached is their picture; email back if wrong picture!) We are writing to confirm your e-mail address. We use this method to keep you informed in case of hurricanes ...

Week #3.1 - I'm Outta Here!!

My last week at the MTC was a blast. Boring, but still very spiritual. We learned the rest of the lessons in Preach My Gospel and then practiced street approaches. So that was cool. Elder Morris and I taught this Russian guy named Bogdan for our TRC this week and he was way cool to teach. He seemed like he really wanted to learn about this gospel. So our lessons were centered around his needs. The General Relief Society President came to talk to us so that was pretty cool. During exercise time, I joined fellow elders in heated games of four square and let me tell you, it gets really intense. I eventually moved on to volleyball, and that was way more fun. We all knew how to have a good time, cuz most of the people playing hardly knew how to play. So we all learned together.  Packing up my stuff was really easy. Turns out both my big bags only weighed about 13 lbs each. So that was a blessing!  Then the biggest most spiritually exhausting Sunday hit. It started off...