
Showing posts from April, 2020

Week #92.1 - Corona Days: STORMS!

April 28, 2020 Pic from last time Big thunder clap today. Lots of rain.   We set up Dee's interview for baptism for Thursday and he is also meeting with the Bishop tomorrow. He's so ready. I appreciate 1 Nephi 3:7 cuz Nephi went and did, and I want to keep that attitude as I am finishing my mission. I love Nephi and his example of staying strong in his faith. Also, the spirit totally warned us to go home as we were driving in the rain. So we did and we felt good. We figured out the reason was because we needed to call one of the people we were teaching. They needed to be uplifted and wouldn't have been had we been driving still. So, follow the spirit y'all! I am staying strong y'all! I have never felt better about my mission. I know the Lord had blessed me tons 😊 . Love,  Elder Furphy 

Week #92 - This is it... WE'RE GOING ALL OUUUUUUT!!!!!! #Final Days ;)

Aight my guys.   I'm going to try and write an email next week, but this is going to be one of the last.    We went to the lake! (pond) We caught some fish this week. (we're stepping up our game!) I grabbed this big boi. He had some sharp claws tho :'( This week was SUPER AWESOME!!!! We have literally had so much success this week. Within 3 days, we had 12 referrals from the church website. THAT'S SO COOL!!! Most of them were people requesting a Book of Mormon and so that was super cool! I can't say this enough, but the Lord is SUPER involved in the work! I pray every day that a miracle will happen and He ALWAYS pulls through. He knows how to best help us. If we stay busy with calling people, He blesses us. Is it hard doing the same things for 6 weeks in a row? Yes. But it is so worth it! I have literally never seen this much success on my mission. It's so cool how the work will move forward when the Lord is involved.   I put an ov...

Week #91.3 - Corona Days: 4-in-1

04-23-2020 (Before I begin, as I was soaking my feet in the tub tonight reading a marvelous work and a wonder by Legrand Richards, I couldn't help but realize that this church is SO STRUCTURED. Why wouldn't it be? It is God's Church after all! He is a God of order! That's what I got)    (Old Picture from last week) Wowee! Today was pretty darn cool. We started with a sweet devotional featuring our beloved President Ross of the Texas Houston East Mission Presidency. He's so cool. He's a great example to me of what a Christlike individual is like. He just GETS it.  After, we went and finished shutting down the other Elders apartment, I did some My Plan. We are now covering all of Lake Charles permanently cuz our mission is actually acquiring a new stake next transfer, which covers the Spring, TX area, and we will be opening 9 new proselyting areas there which is super sweet and the mission needs missionaries to serve there. Ya know me, I’m ...

Week #91 - To the beach beach!

EYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! What's up my corona-friends?   I hope this last week has been as cool as mine!   We've literally been teaching so much it's awesome.   I think I've taught more lessons in one we ek, than my whole mission put together haha.   I always feel exhausted at the end of the day. So, it's nice that I still get drained. Otherwise, going to bed would be so hard.    My mama sent us some masks to use :) Waiting for food from a member :) Walmart has been stepping up their game! What a cool gas station! We've been going on a lot of walks this week.   We felt kinda bored with always going to the pond, so we decided to go across the street and explore the field across from the pond.   That was pretty fun.   I found a wild blackberry bush and one of the blackberries was ripe. So. I ate it :). It tasted pretty good.   Kinda like a grape and tart. Lots of seeds but that's okay. Besi...