Week #91 - To the beach beach!
What's up my
corona-friends? I hope this last week
has been as cool as mine! We've
literally been teaching so much it's awesome. I think I've taught more lessons in one we ek,
than my whole mission put together haha. I always feel exhausted at the end of the
day. So, it's nice that I still get drained. Otherwise, going to bed would be
so hard.
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Waiting for food from a member :) |
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Walmart has been stepping up their game! |
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What a cool gas station! |
We've been going on a
lot of walks this week. We felt kinda
bored with always going to the pond, so we decided to go across the street
and explore the field across from the pond. That was pretty fun. I found a wild blackberry bush and one of the
blackberries was ripe. So. I ate it :). It tasted pretty good. Kinda like a grape and tart. Lots of seeds but
that's okay. Besides blackberries, we have been having fun at the pond by
trying to make big splashes with rocks and stuff. It's fun.
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Walking to the pond for morning prayers haha |
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Some tracks |
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Sunset |
As for our teaching
pool, our main man, Dee is doing well. He
has been learning and accepting what we have taught him very well. We usually have a member join in on our
lessons over the phone and we have a conference call with him. So far, we've taught him about the
Restoration, Plan of Salvation, and Gospel of Jesus Christ. He loves it all! He was having a hard time understanding how he
could learn anything new from the Book of Mormon if he already knows most of
what it talks about. So our Ward Mission
Leader whipped out Moroni 8, which talks about how we don't need to baptize
little children because they can't even tell right from wrong. Dee didn't really know about that. He learned
something new :) He wants to get baptized
this weekend, but we are thinking otherwise. We have some more stuff to teach and we are
still trying to understand if he is planning on just skipping town after he's
baptized, or if he really means it. So,
we're treading carefully. He's super
cool though.
Tonya is doing well
too. Nothing big to update here, but she is still wanting to be baptized! She is going through some family drama right
now, so we've been mainly reading scriptures with her.
We had a referral ask
for some pamphlets this week. The thing
is, she lives in Cameron, LA. That's
like an hour and a half south of us. But
we figured it was a good cause, so we sent it down there and dropped off the
pamphlets in her mailbox. Fun fact,
Cameron is RIGHT next to the Gulf of Mexico, so we decided to use our walking
time to go walk on the coast. That was
super nice. Looking out to the gulf you
could see oil plants and stuff. There
was a sign that said, "swim at your own risk" haha. It was very
relaxing to feel a cool ocean (gulf?) breeze. That was awesome though. We were able to find some sweet
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Le beach |
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Look at this guy |
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Pretty good sign |
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Them waves tho (nonexistent) |
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It's been so cool
being a missionary during this time! My
testimony of the Savior grows every day! We wouldn't be having so much success if the
Lord wasn't involved. He knows how to do
His work and I am so very lucky to be involved, even if it means my time is cut
down a little bit. He knows how to best
do things. He knew this would all be
happening and has prepared all of us missionaries who are still out to be able
to work. Our whole mission has been
seeing miracle after miracle and it inspires me every time someone shares what
kind of success they've been having during our morning devotionals.
I finished the Book of
Mormon this last week. Something cool is the theme I notice that Moroni is
leaving behind. Like an essay, you usually emphasize your main point in the
conclusion. That is what Moroni is doing.
Moroni 10:20-21
20 Wherefore, there must
be afaith; and if
there must be faith there must also be hope; and if there must be hope there
must also be charity.
21 And except ye
have acharity ye
can in nowise be saved in the kingdom of God; neither can ye be saved in the
kingdom of God if ye have not faith; neither can ye if ye have no hope.
This is so true! The
things Moroni has been emphasizing is Faith, Hope and Charity. This was talked
about in one of our morning devotionals too. I really like it! We honestly can't do much without these 3
things! And what's even better is that
they all deal with having to rely on our Savior. He is literally the only way
that we have redemption from our sins. He's got our back no matter what.
I also like Moroni's
final plea:
32 Yea, acome unto
Christ, and be bperfected in him, and cdeny yourselves
of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness,
and dlove God
with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you,
that by his grace ye may be eperfect in
Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise
deny the power of God.
33 And again, if ye by
the grace of God are perfect in Christ, and deny not his power, then are
ye asanctified in
Christ by the grace of God, through the shedding of the bblood of
Christ, which is in the covenant of the Father unto the remission of your csins, that ye
become dholy, without spot.
Come unto Christ! He's
waiting there for you to turn around. He's ready to go. So put on your shoe and
WALK with him! He will help you become sanctified and holy :). He loves you so
much. I know he does! I literally love being a missionary because I get to help
people understand this and it brings so much joy to my soul!!!
I followed Moroni's
promise as well found in Moroni 10:3-5:
3 Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall
read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye
would remember how amerciful the Lord hath been unto the
children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye
shall receive these things, and bponder it
in your chearts.
4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would
exhort you that ye would aask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of
Christ, if these things are not btrue; and if ye shall ask with a csincere heart, with dreal intent, having efaith in Christ, he will fmanifest the gtruth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
I took this to heart
and I went into the closet to pray about the Book of Mormon and what's cool is
that I already knew the Book was true. But I wanted to ask again in the most
humble way I knew how. So I went into the closet, shut the door and got on my
knees to pray. All I wanted to know was if the Book is true. I wasn't sure what
kind of feeling I would get and so I sat there for like 5 seconds with nothing.
But I then got a really calm feeling all around me and I felt really focused (if
that makes sense) and all the noise around me went away and it was SILENT. Like
NO NOISE AT ALL. Then I heard these 4 words, "It is very true." I
felt so at peace! I got my answer and my testimony of the Book of Mormon
soared. I know it's true! It's the best way to find peace in this life! I thanked Heavenly Father for the answer and
went the rest of the day feeling so happy :D.
I challenge ALL of you
to read, ponder, and pray about the Book of Mormon to either 1) reaffirm your
testimony of it's divinity or 2) gain your own witness for yourself that it is
It's worth it.
But yeah! I hope y'all
are having fun during these corona days! We've been in isolation for a month
now. So that's fun :)
Keep staying awesome,
Elder Furphy
P.S. Sister Becky
Craven was one of the devotional speakers this week with her husband! She's in the Young Women's General Presidency.
It was such a cool experience.
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We caught a frog :) |
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I recreated a picture I took in Woodville (shoutout to Elder Boam) |
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Throwback to Elder Butterfield haha "one more district training" |
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