Week #92 - This is it... WE'RE GOING ALL OUUUUUUT!!!!!! #Final Days ;)

Aight my guys.  I'm going to try and write an email next week, but this is going to be one of the last. 
We went to the lake! (pond)

We caught some fish this week. (we're stepping up our game!)

I grabbed this big boi. He had some sharp claws tho :'(

This week was SUPER AWESOME!!!!
We have literally had so much success this week. Within 3 days, we had 12 referrals from the church website. THAT'S SO COOL!!! Most of them were people requesting a Book of Mormon and so that was super cool! I can't say this enough, but the Lord is SUPER involved in the work! I pray every day that a miracle will happen and He ALWAYS pulls through. He knows how to best help us. If we stay busy with calling people, He blesses us. Is it hard doing the same things for 6 weeks in a row? Yes. But it is so worth it! I have literally never seen this much success on my mission. It's so cool how the work will move forward when the Lord is involved.
I put an overgrip on my racket :))))

We found some tennis courts :)


Our main man Dee is getting baptized this Sunday, May 3rd! I can't wait to see him enter the waters of baptism :). He knows the Book of Mormon is true and is just ITCHING to get in! He has made so much progress. Dee is so cool. He is constantly asking great questions and diving into the gospel. He calls us a lot and always reminds us that he wants to get baptized still. He's so cool. That'll be one of the last things I do before I head home. I call that a GG. 

Flightless chicks XD

beach path :)

We went to the beach haha again

We found an onion on the beach haha. I think Shrek was here.

Beach baybeeeee


Prairie dog Nash

We have been calling members a lot and sharing inspirational messages with them and getting very positive responses. They love us haha. We have been asking them to do missionary work and having them pray about who they know to share the gospel with. It's sweet because the members do what we ask and the work moves forward! 

Fun experience this week:
We had a person request a Spanish Book of Mormon and so we delivered it. We went to the trailer park, and used our broken Spanish to get help from a guy to help us figure out where the trailer was. Then as we were walking away to go home, we said thanks to the guy who helped us and then he wanted to talk to us!  So, through broken English/Spanish, and Google Translate we were able to talk with him and he said he wanted missionaries to call him! He is 21 and I think if I could speak Spanish a little better, I would hang out with him haha. He seemed really cool. But THANK YOU Sra. Cammack for teaching me so well! My Spanish knowledge was brought back to me in my moment of need. 

Spiritual Thought:   Helaman 9:39-40

39 And there were some of the Nephites who believed on the words of Nephi; and there were some also, who believed because of the testimony of the five, for they had been converted while they were in prison.
40 And now there were some among the people, who said that Nephi was a prophet.

So the background for this is that Nephi is a prophet, and he is trying to help the people repent cuz they're all wicked. But nobody wants to listen to Nephi and don't believe that he is a prophet. So Nephi prophecies that the chief judge was murdered. Big prophecy right? So 5 people go check and it's true! and so in the end, people begin to believe Nephi. Some believe him on his word and some because of the word of the 5. This shows 2 kinds of faith. Both are good, but the first is better. We should listen to the prophet and do our best to follow God's will. As we are quick to follow the guidance of the Lord, we will be greatly blessed. 

So, y'all. This is it. I have one week left. I want to finish as strong as I can. I literally love being a missionary so much! I want to keep being a missionary, but I'm gonna have to be a missionary in Arizona now. I love the people of Texas and Louisiana so much! I have grown so much and seen others grow around me. I know the Lord has put me where I needed to be for these 21 months. I know the Lord has a plan for me and that He has the best in mind for me. I know that I would not be where I'm at if I didn't serve a mission. This has put a lot of things into perspective for me. Corona has really been a blessing for me because it's brought me closer to the Lord. I hope you have too. I love this work. It's the best. I'm glad I used the time that I had to grow. I mean, the Lord did all the work, I was just lucky to help him out haha. 

But yeah, I'll try and send something next week but it will most likely be a final testimony haha. I'll update y'all on Dee too. I will also do a walk down memory lane or something ;) It'll be sweeet. 

My home email is nicholas.furphy@gmail.com if y'all want to stay in contact with me.

We got to clean out the bike elders apartment this week and that was a 3 day ordeal
but it is now completely EMPTY and CLEAN. I also found this sweet suit coat. 



I love y'all and I'll see ya next week ;),



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