
Showing posts from February, 2020

Week #83 - Chevy Days

Haha LOOOOOOOL  Me, Elder Rasmussen, and Josh at institute He done fell asleep Okay let's just say, dealerships can be the worst sometimes LOL. But it's all good. Our car was being dumb.     So we had to go to the dealership like 3 days in a row, cuz they were taking a LOOONG time. But like I said, it's all good. We actually had an opportunity to share the message of the restoration with one of the workers there.   She was asking us questions and so we shared what we do and what we share. She seemed interested and even took a Book of Mormon and said she would try to make it to church, if she had time! That was so cool.  Us at the Chevy dealership We had a chance to go on exchanges with the Zone Leaders, Elders Dyer and Elder Baumann. It was LEGIT. I went with Elder Dyer and we walked around in the cold and froze our booties off, but we met some really cool people along the way. We stopped by a member, cuz I had to usar el ba...

Week #82 - It's Cajun time bb ;)

Heyoooooo! How are y'all??? I hope all is well. But hey, life is good here in Louisiana. Lake Charles is so much fun :). The work here is chugging along just fine and we are seeing miracles. It's pretty legit. Too legit to quit.   This was a fun driveway   BIG TREE   Some Louisiana Land WE DONE FOUND SOME EMUS But, we did have a good time. Elder Rasmussen is my new companion and I am his 2nd trainer. His 1st trainer, Elder Price, went home cuz he finished his mission. I've been trying to meet all the important people in the ward and get to know as many members as possible. It's been awesome. I keep saying references to Texas stuff and I have to keep reminding myself that I am in Louisiana and NOT Texas. SO, that's an adjustment. But hey, if that's the only big adjustment I have to make, I'll take it 😎.   Me and Elder Rasmussen Elder Rasmussen changed a tire in 5 min 18 seconds! Elder Rasmussen and ...

Week #81 - So Long Cowboy

Lol. Yeah, I done got caught. Just kidding-just kidding.  I did get transferred though! Super sad. I was hoping to stay in Fairmont for at least another transfer, but hey the Lord has a better vision of his work than I do. So, I got transferred to a place called LAKE CHARLES! It's super cool and it's in Louisiana.   So I've finally made it out of Texas. Pretty crazy my dudes.  I never thought this would happen, but here I am. I might finish my mission here lol. I don’t know though. We'll see. Me and the Dinsdales  The Dinsdales took me out for dinner yesterday 😎 BUT this week was SWEET! We had a sweet MLT (Missionary Leadership Training), on Tuesday, where all the District Leaders and Zone Leaders got together and we discussed what it means to be the 4th missionary. To be the 4th missionary means to be all in and 100% committed to the lord and stuff like that. It was cool to see what people thought and it was a really revelatory experience. So...

Week #80 - Temple time BAYBEEEEE!!!!

Hey y'all! This week was pretty sweet! Slow at times but otherwise pretty darn good 😁. I'm a balance MASTER I had an interview with President this week and that was super nice! He sure is a cool guy to talk to for 15 minute interviews. We mainly talked about what I'm gonna do for the rest of my 6 months of my mission and who I want to become. It was a good talk and we also talked about the people in 1 Nephi 8, in the tree of life and how the people had to rely on Christ and have faith in him to get to the tree.    But, that it also requires faith to stay at the tree. So once we partake of the fruit we need to still increase our faith. There might be people trying to mock us and scorn us in the great and spacious building, but we don't need to listen to them 😎.   Elder Morris and I have some gauntlets  Elder Ewell, me and Elder Ure Houston Temple We helped some Elders move a lady's like 3,000,000,000 pound cabinet and then we al...