Week #82 - It's Cajun time bb ;)
Heyoooooo! How are y'all???
I hope all is well. But hey, life is good here in Louisiana.
Lake Charles is so much fun :). The work here is chugging along just fine and
we are seeing miracles. It's pretty legit. Too legit to quit.
This was a fun driveway
Some Louisiana Land
But, we did have a good time. Elder Rasmussen is my new companion
and I am his 2nd trainer. His 1st trainer, Elder Price, went home cuz he
finished his mission. I've been trying to meet all the important people in the
ward and get to know as many members as possible. It's been awesome. I keep
saying references to Texas stuff and I have to keep reminding myself that I am
in Louisiana and NOT Texas. SO, that's an adjustment. But hey, if that's the
only big adjustment I have to make, I'll take it 😎.
Me and Elder Rasmussen
Elder Rasmussen changed a tire in 5 min 18 seconds!
Elder Rasmussen and I were able to find 8 new people to teach
this week! That was pretty cool! (Flashback to Woodville when Elder Boam and I
found 7 new people in one day on one street. #goldendays) Each of them had a
genuine interest in learning more, so that was a nice change of pace. I also
found out when I got here that we have 4 people on date for baptism and that
there could be 2 more cuz it's a family. Haha, so I don't have any work to
do 😂 jkjk. We even biked to downtown one day which was like a
12 mile bike ride there and back, but we had to go give a blessing. It was “park
your car Saturday”, so it had to happen. This place is super cool and there is
a lot of culture that I can't wait to learn about and apply in my life
A cool School
Bridge boi
Here's my thought y'all:
3 Nephi 12:44 says:
44 But behold I say unto you, love your aenemies, bless them that curse
you, do bgood to them that hate
you, and cpray for them who despitefully use you and persecute you;
I love this part in the Book of Mormon. Jesus Christ is
showing everyone how they can be better people and that is by loving EVERYONE.
We might not like some people in our lives, but if we can push aside negative
feelings for those people and forgive them, we allow love to enter our hearts
and peace will follow. Some time ago, we were asked to pray for someone we
didn't like. When I went to do it, I found that it was harder than it sounded.
I would go to say the prayer for them and it would be a struggle just to get
the words out. However, when I was able to start and move on with the prayer,
it became easier and easier to pray for that individual and the only reason it
became easier was because I was allowing the Atonement of Jesus Christ to
change me and I let love enter my heart.
Another Verse in Moroni 7 says:
45 And acharity suffereth
long, and is bkind, and cenvieth not,
and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily dprovoked,
thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth,
beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all
46 Wherefore, my beloved
brethren, if ye have not charity, ye are nothing, for charity never faileth.
Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things
must fail—
47 But acharity is
the pure blove of Christ, and it endureth cforever; and
whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.
48 Wherefore, my beloved
brethren, apray unto the Father with all the
energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed
upon all who are true bfollowers of
his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall
appear we shall cbe like him, for we shall see him as
he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be dpurified even
as he is pure. Amen.
What I love about these verses
is that they all have to deal with LOVE. Or charity in this context. If we are
able to have Charity in our lives we won't fail. The pure love of Christ is a
way for us to move forward as we face trials. Love helps. I love how in verse
48 it says that was need to not just pray, but "Pray unto the Father with
all the energy of heart". We have to MEAN it. We're gonna do something
about it. If you are being a disciple of Jesus Christ, it will be so much
easier to want charity in your life. If you don't know what it means to be a
disciple of Jesus Christ, ask some missionaries. You can request a visit from
some here and they can
teach you SO MUCH!
Y'all are awesome and I hope
this week goes great for everyone!
Love y'all,
Elder Furphy (did you catch it
Elder Farley?)
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