
Showing posts from April, 2019

Week #40 - It's rainin' men, HALLELUJAH

WAZAAAAA?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Man, oh man, what a week this has been. We have found quite the amount of work to do out here, in good ol' Woodville. Elder Boam is a stud and we are gettin' SHTUFF DONE. Where to begin??? SO, I was able to see Elder Wood and Elder Osborne and the whole cheesecake crew, last Tuesday, which was completely awesome and very refreshing! I picked up Elder Boam and we went on our way, to Woodville. So, Day 1 - we find 5 new people to teach! It was sweet! I am so excited to see where this goes and I know that this will be sweet :) Elder Boam is basically a trained missionary and alls I have to do is guide him on his path up. So, it's super sweet. We are preparing for his certification in May and it's gonna be AWESOME. He has a very great gift for memorizing stuff, so he's gonna be great!  We went to support Sean, at mutual, and we ended up playing "Truth or Dare" with the youth.  Elder Boam and I stuck to strictly truths and we t...

Week #39 - I'm a Father bb πŸ€ πŸ€΄πŸ‘ΆπŸ‘¨

I don't have a lot of time, buuuut this week, we met a bunch of cool people.  We taught Sean and pushed his baptism back a week, so we can more better teach him. We had a nice Easter Sunday and we were able to give a blessing to a less active member. That was sweet.  ME and Sean  ME and Sean  Lesson Flower!🌺 BUT this morning, I drove to Kingwood with Elder Bowers and I met my new companion, Elder Boam. He's a super cool dude with a drive to work! I am very excited to be His trainer. But yeah! It's been a long day and I am excited to learn from him and I am excited to share what I know!  Elder Bowers and ME! - on the way to Transfer #6  Me and Elder Osborne - Transfer #6 (Old Trainee and Trainer #2 back together again) Elder Boam, ME, and Elder Wood - Transfers #6 (Son πŸ‘¦, Father πŸ‘¨ and Grandfather πŸ‘΄) (Greenie - Trainer - Trainer#1 of the Trainer) Love y'all,  Elder Furphy (Trainers are considered ...

Week #38 - We went to school ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

WAZAAAAAAAAP?!?!?!??! Well, well, well, what a fan-flippin-fantastic week this was! We had some SWEET moments. So let's begin... To start, we got Sean still on date to be baptized this week, on Saturday, so that is very exciting! We are planning on teaching him every day this week to solidify his knowledge of the gospel! I am super excited to keep on working with him. :)  Chancho Jr.  Someone doesn't like us LOL  But, on Tuesday, we went to do some service, with Bro. Degarmo, and he is one awesome man. But, besides that, he told us that he has a friend that wants to be baptized and so we went over and asked her if she wants to be baptized. SHE SAID YES. We asked her why she felt that way and she said that she just feels like the Lord had been telling her to change and to join a church that is truly the church of Jesus Christ. Her name is Vivian, by the way. We have her set to be baptized, on May 4th. Which is an awesome date. But yeah, we had her read Moro...

Week #37 - Time is Running Out!

WOWEE, WHAT A CONFERENCE!!!!! I have to say that this week was pretty cool. Mainly, cuz of General Conference. So, let's dive into it! Elder King and I found a spooky scarecrow!   SPOOOOKY ELDER KIING "Grandma" will always remember me So, the main highlight of this week, besides General Conference, was running a Family History booth, at the Dogwood Festival. We were able to get a bunch of branch members to help out and we had a sweet set up! We were able to talk to a bunch of people about finding out more about their past and it went really well. We got some people really excited about doing their family history and it was SWEEEET! But yeah, it rained SUPER hard and we ended up closing down early, but that enabled us to go watch General Conference, so it's a win in the end.  Booth at Dogwood Festival - Elder King    Booth at Dogwood Festival - Me and Elder King Me and my ancestor bb It poured - Me and Elder King But...

Week #36 - Thanks for Sharing!

Well well well what a week. Sneak Peek: I tackled a goat. the goats But! Man we had a pretty sweet week. SO, it began with P-day last week. We went by a house trying to find a person, but we ended up finding 3 people to teach and they were all super interested in learning more, so we set up a lesson for Saturday. When we came back, they were having a crawfish boil, so they said "come on and join us!" so we did indulge and I ate me some good ol' Crawfish some sausage, some corn, and some potatoes. Then, we had a sweet lesson on the Plan of Salvation. They had some great questions and we had answers with some sweet scriptural evidence ;))) A nice water tower   the FLOWER We also had a fun time biking this week, because we realized that miles are getting super low on our car, so I got to experience the hill of Woodville, this last week, and it was amazing. But, as a result from us biking, we gained a new investigator. This guy was doing some work in his...