Week #38 - We went to school ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Well, well, well, what a fan-flippin-fantastic week this was! We had some SWEET moments. So let's begin...
To start, we got Sean still on date to be baptized this week, on Saturday, so that is very exciting! We are planning on teaching him every day this week to solidify his knowledge of the gospel! I am super excited to keep on working with him. :)
But, on Tuesday, we went to do some service, with Bro. Degarmo, and he is one awesome man. But, besides that, he told us that he has a friend that wants to be baptized and so we went over and asked her if she wants to be baptized. SHE SAID YES. We asked her why she felt that way and she said that she just feels like the Lord had been telling her to change and to join a church that is truly the church of Jesus Christ. Her name is Vivian, by the way. We have her set to be baptized, on May 4th. Which is an awesome date. But yeah, we had her read Moroni 10:3-5 which reads:
3 Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts.
4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
5 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.
We had Vivian read that to herself and it was silent for about 3 minutes. She looked up and she said that the Holy Ghost told her that what she had just read was true. It was so sweet. She said that she would be reading more of it. She is SO COOL!!! I can't wait to keep working with her.
THEN, on Wednesday, our Zone Leaders told us to drive down to Beaumont and we went on blitzes with them. So we packed up some stuff and drove on down and met them, at the Institute Building, at Lamar University. Fun fact, when you go to Lamar, you get to wear non-proselyting clothes and you get free french toast, at the Institute, so it's totally legit. I went around with Elder Davies and let me tell ya, it was the best day ever. We had a sweet lesson with a guy named Ed. We also played pool with him, so that was cool. Then, we went looking for a less active member and we knew that he was in band. So we went to the band hall and talked to some of the guys there and asked about the member. They said they knew him, but that he wasn't there at the moment. Then we talked with one of them and he is in jazz, so I talked to him about Frank Sinatra and it was SWWEEEET! Then, we got on to the topic that the church of Jesus Christ had been restored to the Earth today and that we have prophets today. He said that he really liked what we were telling him and that he would pray about it. He also said he would watch General Conference! So that was legit. Then, we went to dinner with some awesome YSA doods and I ate me some pig feet. That was wack, but pretty great. I ate 5 pigs feet.
THEN, the next day, Elder King and I went around campus and talked to a lot of cool kids. We also had interviews that day with President and it was always good to talk with him.
Then on Friday, we went on exchanges and I went to Jasper with Elder Gunderson and he is one cool dood. We were able to talk with a bunch of less active families and it was sweeeet! One of them just let us in and fed us dinner, so that was cool. Then, I biked around with Elder Gunderson, on Saturday, and then went back to Woodville. We taught Sean that night, as well, so that was cool.
SUNDAY was pretty legit too. We had FOUR people at church!!! I was so excited. I sat next to Vivian and Elder King sat next to Sean so that was awesome. I met a new guy named EJ and he isn't a member and he wants to learn more, so I am super excited to teach him!!! Then, later that day, we helped at a fireside and we ran a booth about feeling the spirit as you share your testimony of the Book of Mormon and that was so much fun! I challenge all y'all that have read the Book of Mormon to write your testimony in it and share it with someone!!!
But yeah! I am having a really great time here, in Texas, and I hope all of you guys are having a great time wherever you happen to be! Remember to SMILE!!!
Stay Legit my dudes,
Elder Furphy ಠ_ಠ
Well, well, well, what a fan-flippin-fantastic week this was! We had some SWEET moments. So let's begin...
To start, we got Sean still on date to be baptized this week, on Saturday, so that is very exciting! We are planning on teaching him every day this week to solidify his knowledge of the gospel! I am super excited to keep on working with him. :)
Chancho Jr.
Someone doesn't like us LOL
But, on Tuesday, we went to do some service, with Bro. Degarmo, and he is one awesome man. But, besides that, he told us that he has a friend that wants to be baptized and so we went over and asked her if she wants to be baptized. SHE SAID YES. We asked her why she felt that way and she said that she just feels like the Lord had been telling her to change and to join a church that is truly the church of Jesus Christ. Her name is Vivian, by the way. We have her set to be baptized, on May 4th. Which is an awesome date. But yeah, we had her read Moroni 10:3-5 which reads:
3 Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts.
4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
5 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.
We had Vivian read that to herself and it was silent for about 3 minutes. She looked up and she said that the Holy Ghost told her that what she had just read was true. It was so sweet. She said that she would be reading more of it. She is SO COOL!!! I can't wait to keep working with her.
THEN, on Wednesday, our Zone Leaders told us to drive down to Beaumont and we went on blitzes with them. So we packed up some stuff and drove on down and met them, at the Institute Building, at Lamar University. Fun fact, when you go to Lamar, you get to wear non-proselyting clothes and you get free french toast, at the Institute, so it's totally legit. I went around with Elder Davies and let me tell ya, it was the best day ever. We had a sweet lesson with a guy named Ed. We also played pool with him, so that was cool. Then, we went looking for a less active member and we knew that he was in band. So we went to the band hall and talked to some of the guys there and asked about the member. They said they knew him, but that he wasn't there at the moment. Then we talked with one of them and he is in jazz, so I talked to him about Frank Sinatra and it was SWWEEEET! Then, we got on to the topic that the church of Jesus Christ had been restored to the Earth today and that we have prophets today. He said that he really liked what we were telling him and that he would pray about it. He also said he would watch General Conference! So that was legit. Then, we went to dinner with some awesome YSA doods and I ate me some pig feet. That was wack, but pretty great. I ate 5 pigs feet.
We were at Lamar! - Me and Elder Davies
THEN, the next day, Elder King and I went around campus and talked to a lot of cool kids. We also had interviews that day with President and it was always good to talk with him.
Me n' Elder King on Lamar
Then on Friday, we went on exchanges and I went to Jasper with Elder Gunderson and he is one cool dood. We were able to talk with a bunch of less active families and it was sweeeet! One of them just let us in and fed us dinner, so that was cool. Then, I biked around with Elder Gunderson, on Saturday, and then went back to Woodville. We taught Sean that night, as well, so that was cool.
I'm not sick, but I wore the mask - me with Elder Gunderson
Sleepy Elder King and Elder Gunderson
Biking in Jasper bb - Me and Elder Gunderson
We helped a member in Jasper change his lawnmower blades
Me and Elder Gunderson
SUNDAY was pretty legit too. We had FOUR people at church!!! I was so excited. I sat next to Vivian and Elder King sat next to Sean so that was awesome. I met a new guy named EJ and he isn't a member and he wants to learn more, so I am super excited to teach him!!! Then, later that day, we helped at a fireside and we ran a booth about feeling the spirit as you share your testimony of the Book of Mormon and that was so much fun! I challenge all y'all that have read the Book of Mormon to write your testimony in it and share it with someone!!!
President Peterson and Lexi from Buna came to Woodville!
Stay Legit my dudes,
Elder Furphy ಠ_ಠ
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