
Showing posts from December, 2018


Heyoooooooooo! What's up you beautiful people!?!?  a Baptist gave me a hard hat 😂 So this week was so great. Like Honestly, Elder Hazelton and I are getting shtuff DONE. But this will prolly be a short one, cuz I am calling home tomorrow bb 😘. I am planning on calling around 1pm my time and 12pm in AZ time. me n Elder Hazelton BUT, this week we were walking around and we came across this family having a party, so we walked up to them and I asked how they were doing like 5 times and then finally they said they were doing great. Then, one walked inside and then came back outside and told us to fix ourselves a plate of food. That was so great. Getting free meals from non members is the best because then we get to meet the people in the area and they get to know us too. It's so great.  a BIG boi 🐷🐷 We also went to a Methodist Church Christmas service yesterday. It was very nice and we happened to sit next to a less active member haha. That was so coo...

Week #21 - Transfersssssss yeyeyeyeye

Alrighty you wonderful children of God. Elder Hazelton and Elder Furphy So Transfers are this week and I am staying in Buna, for Christmas! Elder Loynd however is outta here... He is going to a place called Pasadena. But my new comp's name is Elder Hazelton and he is a very cool dude. We are only a transfers difference in experience, so it'll be nice to have someone that is close to me with mission experience 👌👌👌. BIGFOOT A cool little arch  Anywho, this last week of the transfer was pretty cool! We did some service and went tracting and went to a party bb.😜👌😘  Service Furf So with the service, we went to a recent converts house, and helped him dig a trench to let water drain from his yard and in the process I got my shoes real muddy, but it was totally worth it cuz I got to take a pic with a goat in the end. So gg.  The goat and me Later in the week, we went on exchanges and I was here in Buna with Elder Baumann. He's a real...

Week #20 - Oh man can you say SERVICE???

So. How have y'all been??? I sure hope y'all have been able to find ways to do some service for other cuz we sure have. HOLY MOLEY. It's wack. Service is sooooo great and I love it.  A service Furf😜 So basically, this week was just PACKED with service. There is a guy in the ward, that is not a member, but loves us missionaries. He is disabled because of his diabetes so he can't really walk too well with his prosthetic leg. So we helped him dig a couple trenches and lay down piping to help drain water when it rains. It was a very good time. We also helped dig out 2 trees from his yard and planted some grass. We also got to make a BIG fire. That was way cool. On one of our last days of service, we were about to finish and he asked us to do one last thing, and I was like, "If we do this, you gotta read outta the Book of Mormon with us" and he was like "fine" and so we proceeded to do the last task and then we got to read! We read Ether 12 with ...

Week #19 - Me Oh My, Some Shtuff Happened (kinda)

Oh boy, oh boy, how has y'all's week been? Christmas time is upon us and it is GLORIOUS.  So let's get to it... We went by some less actives and they talked to us for a while. I got learning that they love having the missionaries over and also found out that they like cooking. I asked if they would teach me their ways and they said they would. So, I got a cooking lesson tomorrow. 🍳👌👌👌👌👌😏. Elder Furphy and Santa! This week has been super cool. So one of the cool part was ZONE CONFERENCE. It was a great reminder that we should always brush up on the basics of the gospel and really polish our testimonies. We should also be super excited about the Book of Mormon, when we share it with others, cuz ya know, IT'S A SUPER COOL BOOK. But yeah, we had a pretty good lunch and I got to see my bois Elder Ure and Elder Morris. Oh and Elder King was there too. He's a real cool greenie. Mad props to him. He's almost at legit as Elder Ure, Morris, Ewell and ...