
Showing posts from January, 2020

Week# 79 - Open house bayBEEEEE

Yooooo! This week was sweet, but our p-day is cut short cuz we have a temple trip this week, so it's okay. But yeah, the thing I wanted to write about today was the open house we had this weekend. Elder Kerr and I found a toilet bb Elder Boam and I on a couch in the rain Elder Harward and I took a sweet pic 😎😎😎 So, for the past week we have been passing out invitations to literally anyone to come to a church tour, at the Fairmont Building.  We probably passed out a couple hundred. And so, Saturday came.  One person showed up!!!!  It was way cool.  Now someone could say, “Wow you only got one? That's terrible. “  But what's cool,  is that the person that showed up is THE most prepared person and is ready to receive the gospel.  She even talked about joining the church, by the end of the tour. It was so cool!  So what I learned from all this is that we need to stay diligent in our efforts and even if one person comes, then...

Week #78 - Broadway is cool my dudes

Hey y'all! So this week was super cool! Here's some highlights: 1. I went on 2 exchanges. One in Baytown and one in Broadway. Each of them, we found some cool success. (more on that later)   Me and Elder Rohrbacher at the lake Found a cool lake 2. I got kicked out of an H.E.B. and Walmart for passing out flyers. Totally worth it because it was flyers for an open house, at the church, on the 25th. We talked to a lot of people before we got kicked out. We did it with the YSA  (Young Single Adult)  and that was a blast. 3. I went on an exchange with Elder Ewell and he is super sweet! I learned a lot from him and we had a blast going around visiting people and less actives. We were able to get in with 2 less active members who probably would not have let us in, but the bishop asked us to go and we did. We got in with both people and were able to share great messages with them. It was super inspired and built my testimony that the Lord really does give revel...

Week #77 - Hangin with the BOIS

Ooo baby!  Me and Elder Harward at the temple with Raul. (from last week) Me and Elder Harward at the temple with Raul.  (from last week) This week was super sweet! I went on 2 exchanges. One with Elder Morris, and then one with Elder Jensen. I love both those dudes. They are hard workers and we found good success. I haven't been around Elder Morris since the MTC, so that's cool. But, he's super awesome at what he does. He's rocking it in Baytown. We biked a whole lot, but it was worth it. We found some sweet people.   Exchanges Elder Morris and I catching lizards.  With Elder Jensen, we were able to find some new people to teach as well.   We biked around a lot too. But, we had a great time. It was good to serve with Elder Jensen again. He's a good guy.    Me n Elder Jensen driving home I caught a butterfly!!! We have been teaching a lady who wants to quit smoking, so we gave her the 15 s...

Week #76 - The Power of the Holy Ghost

Credits to Elder Butterfield  Hello one and all!!!! Oh boy, oh boy, it's been a good week! We have been working hard and getting things done! Elder Harward is a STUD. Pasadena is different than any of the areas I've ever served in, but it's SWEET. There's always something new to see every day - whether it be a man just chilling in the middle of the road or seeing a car going in reverse against traffic. It's legit  . We usually walk around and try to street contact people.   It works pretty well! People are super willing to talk here and I think I was a little nervous that it would be the opposite here.   So that's a good deal. I've also been trying to try new things when contacting people.   So I decided to follow the spirit a little more and I asked a guy, "can I share something that is super important to me?"   He said yes and he was interested. I think it's cool how the spirit can give you little promptings of what to say and do an...