Week #73 - He done did it 😎😎😎

Hello all!!!!!

So guess what???????? MARK GOT BAPTIZED!!!!! That was super exciting. He has been taught for the last 8 months and he has finally entered the waters of baptism. He has grown so much and has been able to feel the spirit so much in his life. It's so cool to see how the gospel can change people for the better. Super cool.

Mark's baptism

BUT yeah, this last week was pretty cool. We were able to go on exchanges with Elders Huish and Romney.   I went with Elder Huish in the K3 area and it was super cool! It was a bike area.  We surprisingly met a lot of people biking in the cold rain. We used the “Light The World” initiative to contact people.   All who listened really liked the idea of doing small acts of service throughout the month of December. Go to lighttheworld.org and sign up for service! It'll be super sweet.

 My bike getup.

 I found a lizard.

One cool thing on the exchange was that we were biking in the dark and we still had about 30 minutes before we had to exchange back.  So we went to a street and prayed over the street that we would find a new person to teach.   Then, we went around knocking on doors we felt prompted to knock on. People talked, but no success. Then as we were about to turn back, we both looked at a house and both thought to knock it. We met a really cool guy named Roger who was interested in watching a “Light The World” video. We then talked about his family and then the discussion went into repentance and how we can use it daily. He loved it and said we could come back later that week. Super cool miracle and I think a scripture that my Spanish teacher sent me sums it all up:

"23 Know ye not that ye are in the hands of God? Know ye not that he hath all power, and at his great command the earth shall be rolled together as a scroll?" - Mormon 5:23

It really shows that we are all in the Lord's hands and that he is able to help us always. We just need to TRUST Him. So do it!!! It might be tough at first, but it is well worth it.

I love y'all and I know that if we are diligent in what we do, the Lord will bless us. 

 Me and Elder Butterfield ran the Bakery at the Kingwood Party

Me and lil "A" posing for a sweet pic

Love ya, 
Elder Furphy 


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