Wazaaaaaaaaaaa!?!?!? First off, Elder Morris, I believe in you and know you'll do great things. Second, Elder Ure, you have a wonderful smile. Third, Elder Ewell, I miss having luaus with you. AND NOW, ooo wee what a week. Me n' Loynd Butterfly landed on a dude So, we had a short p-day last week. So we went and got a pizza that a member bought us. It was real good. But then, at the end of that day, the Zone Leaders came over and said they were gonna blitz our area with us. I was very happy about that. Funny comic And so the next morning, we went out and ran around a track. Then we had a really great breakfast of scrambled eggs and deer sausage. Sooooo goooood 🍳🦌😍😍😍😍😋. But yeah, I went around with Elder Davies and we met some really cool people and a member gave us Tamales. Then, on our way back from lunch, we ran into 2 people smoking and sat down and had a really great lesson with them. At first, ...
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