
Showing posts from October, 2019

Week #66 - "Hi, how are you?", "*speaks Romanian*", "oh, very nice"

Hello, one and all, to this week's episode of Elder Furphy's life. (aka a pretty cool show and it has some fun stories along the way😉) Anywho, this week was pretty sweet! I was able to go on a couple exchanges, be Waldo a little bit 👌, and I was able to talk with some Romanians. What else could an Elder ask for? So let's get to it 🤠 Maybe I get this vest? So, I was able to go on an exchange, with Elder Carraway, this week and that was super fun! We had a good ol' time walking around, and street contacting some people. We were able to share the Family Proclamation with some people. Then, we had a lesson at the church in the afternoon with Matthew, one of our progressing people, buuuuuuut they slept in and we rescheduled the lesson for the next day.  Then, we got a curve-ball to our plans, cuz one of the Elders in the zone was still at the doctors with another Elder and they both happened to be trainers. So both of their new missionaries were left alone toget...

Week #65 - Mr. Bomb-bastic, Supa Fantastic (Mr. Bean's Holiday ;))

YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! A little over 20 years ago in a galaxy far, far away, Ya bOi was born. I'd like to thank my mom and dad and my siblings for all the support they've given me throughout my life :D Zone P-day (jkjk IT WAS ZONE CONFERENCE) Me n Elder URE Spikeball   Spikeball Tournament    Zone Conference to build unity Ya bois at Zone Conference  (Me, Elder Duran, Elder Romney, Elder Carraway, Elder Farley) But Yeah, this week was super cool. We saw a lot of miracles and it was a neat deal. So, I was able to go on exchanges with Elder Brown and we found 4 new people to teach! That was so cool! 3 of those new people were SUPER solid because they are just recently finding God in their lives.  So Elder Brown and I taught them the restoration and they really liked it.   Trio-gang in CLEVELAND (Me, Elder Carroll, and Elder Palmer) Is he sleeping? Is he READING? -...

Week #64 - One, Two, and Three Baybeeeeeeeee (and Woodville bb)

Hello,hello, hello!!!!!!!! Y'all are pretty cool 😏 So this week was pretty sweet. We had some key lessons with the people we are teaching. So, here's what went down... 1) We had a great visit with Ellen. We stopped by her house, just to see how she was doing, because she has been feeling really sick lately. Well, she was home and she let us in! We talked about the Book of Mormon and watched a Book of Mormon video and afterwards she brought up her baptismal date. We asked her if she wanted to set a new date for baptism and she said yes!!! She is planning on getting baptized on the 9th of November. It's gonna be so sweet! Ellen is literally so cool. 2) We had a sweet lesson with Mark. We talked about General Conference and how he liked it.  He said he wished that he could watch it every week. Nice Mark. We then talked about Elder Uchtdorf's talk and how he can get on the covenant path. We asked Mark if he would like to set a goal to be baptized. He, at first, said ...

Week #63 - Conference was cool!

Hey y'all!  This is gonna be a short one, buuuuuuuuuuut CONFERENCE WAS SWEET! If you didn't have the chance to watch it, I would advise doing it. Go to and look for it there!    We got a free pizza!!   Elder Farley fixed our fan with duct tape I got a little friend This week was transfers and Elder Farley and I are staying together for another transfer! It's gonna be so much fun and we have a lot of plans on what we can do this transfer. We are currently trying to help an ex-member of the church come back to the church. It's a neat experience.    Cleveland and Spanish Districts   Me and  Elder Ure   Kingwood District   Livingston District   Me n' the Cleveland Elders (feat. Elder Stebbins)   Me n' the Cleveland Elders    President Hewlett gave us ice cream The Wild boi Elder Wilkinson During Conference I felt really ...