Week #56 - An Increase of FAITH (feat. Elder Walter)

Woweeeeeee! This was quite the week. Too much happened and I can't believe it's already week 6 of the transfer. This has been so great. 

Brother Brown, from the Lakeshore Ward, came and 
helped with move!!!! It was good to see him again.

SO! We were able to go to Cleveland, this week, to conduct a baptismal interview with a nice lady named Mary.  She is super ready to be baptized!!! I am so happy that she took the steps to be able to enter the waters of baptism and continue on the covenant path. We later heard that her baptismal service went very well, so that was good to hear. 😀

We got some SUNNY D

THEN, we went by some less-active members this week.  We got to put some cool birds on our shoulders. We also shared a very heartfelt message about the atonement of Jesus Christ. We focused more-so on the fact that we can feel a forgiveness of our sins when we rely upon His atonement and I can tell it touched the family's hearts. 

 Me and my bud

Lookit them clouds

We were also blessed to be able to go on exchanges with the Livingston Elders, Elders Butterfield and Walter.  I, of course, went with Elder Walter. We were able to test each other's faith. We drove to a road where Elder Walter wanted to knock on doors. I was about to get out of the car when Elder Walter asked if we should pray first. I agreed and in the prayer, I asked Heavenly Father to help us find 2 new people to teach. Then, we got out of the car and got rejected for the next 20 minutes. Then, we finally found a promising man. He has a little memory loss, but the more we talked about modern day prophets and the Book of Mormon, he asked, "Well, are ya gonna give me the book or not???" So I did and we set up a time to talk more about it. 

 Me and Elder Walters

 Elder Walter and Peterson cooking

 Elder Walters and ME

We caught a frog named Jimmy

Then, Elder Walter and I moved on and looked across the street,  We saw a man cleaning his car and I asked Elder Walter if he wanted to go talk to him, but we were both a little nervous to go bug him. I took that though as a prompting from the Spirit to go talk with him. So, we edge up to him and he looks up and I introduce us and we get to know him. His name is Michael and he has a family. He said he cares a lot about them. We shared the Proclamation to the Family with him and he got very interested. We shared that we only received that revelation because of modern day prophets. We shared briefly what the restoration was and he wanted to learn more about it. We set up a time to come back and he happily agreed. As we walked back to the car, Elder Walter made the comment that he had never thought to ask the Lord to help him find new people to teach. It's true though, if you ask, you WILL receive. We exercised our faith and we were able to find 2 new people. My faith grew because of that. 

 Elder Kennach and Elder Rohrbacher running

We found some shrooms

Some people thought it was cool to vandalize church property 🙁👎

But yeah! Church was AWESOME as always and I was happy to take the Sacrament. 

 We had a WATERMELON cake (it was really good and healthy)

 Little Gecko

Elder URE, Me and President

I hope y'all have a great week and I love you alllll!!!!!

Elder Furphy 😎


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