Week #46 - Sweaty Days and Cool Peeps

WAZZZZZAAAP my dudes. So, this week was pretty sweet. There were exchanges and some biking. There were also some feisty doggos. 

Highway biking dood

Flowers bb

So to begin, we biked to a place called Ivanhoe, on Wednesday, which was pretty sweet. Ivanhoe is 6 miles away.  Woodville has some sweet hills and we get to ride on the main highway. It was a sweet ride. It took us 40 minutes to bike there and we tracted until about 5pm. But fun fact, we were walking up to this house and a lady opens the door when we were like 20 feet away and she says, "I have a dog" and she closes the door and watches us through her door as a big ol' pit-bull BOLTS out at us and is going for the kill. So, Elder Boam kicks it the face and we get outta there. We thought that that dog was a little rude, but I am willing to forgive him. I am going to name that doggo "Chad". 

 Ivanhoe biking

The lake

We had a sweet lunch, on the shore of the lake, and that was nice. After all that, we biked to the entrance of Ivanhoe and we were all outta water and still had to bike 6 miles, in 95 degree weather with 100% humidity and so it was like 102 degrees. So, we weren't about to bike without water and the only shop at the entrance to Ivanhoe was a liquor store. So I asked a guy walking in if they even sold water in there and he said yes. So, we walk in and the cashier is like, "Are you 21?" and we said no. But, we told her we just wanted water and we really needed it.  So she obviously had the light of Christ with her and she let us buy some water. Then, on our ride home, we stopped at a members house, cuz we were super hot and sweaty.  They gave us some cold water and Popsicles. So I was a happy boi. 

 Elder Boam n' a cat

Me n' a cat

I went on exchanges with Elder Gunderson and we had a swell time together.

 Me n' Elder Gunderson

 A member took us out to get sushi


 America is COOL!!

Lil' Froggo

We had 4 peeps come to church, so that was nice. We also found 4 new peeps to teach too. So, that was sweet. Elder Boam and I are killin' it. I am super excited to see what happens this week. 

 Elder Boam - he sleepeth

 Intense game of Jenga

Horses bb

Y'all stay awesome,
Elder Furphy


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