Week #44 - Walk ins welcome

Not too much time to email this week so here's the cliff notes...

1. We had a person walk into church and is now wanting to be a member!
2. We worked SUPER hard this week and are seeing miracles!
3. My toe done got infected, cuz I thought it was healed, but it sure wasn't  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
4. I am having a super fun time with ELDER BOAM!
5. We are exalting Woodville!

Y'all stay legit,
Elder Furphy

(Elder Furphy said he would write more next week, they have a short P-day today)

 YES, I am!

Elder Boam done got his haircut 

Exchange pic with Elder Gunderson and Brother Livingston

 We just washed some doggos


 We went to a firehouse

Yo scratch and sniff is SWEET

Strong Boi - ELder Baum

We got some Chuck Norris water!!


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