Week #30 - "Can I Buy You Lunch?"

Oooooooo ooooo baby. I just got done with calling my mom, dad and sisters, so that was suuuuuuper cool! I am super excited for the changes that have happened and I have had some great talks with my family.

Me n the space narwhal

So to start, we were able to find 6 new people to teach this week and it was so amazing! So it has been a very awesome week.

To start, we went into the back area, of Buna, and found out that there are a ton of people living back there and that they are super interested in the gospel and I love it! We have found over half of the people we are teaching back there.
 We found a nice sunset

We got to go to the temple! A less active member took us and it was so great to be able to go there. The member was able to feel the spirit so much. Even though he couldn't go inside, he was able to walk around the temple grounds and just feel the peace the temple brings. 

 Our pic for trying to find a ride to the temple

 The bois at the temple

  More of the bois at the temple

 Me n Elder King at the temple

                                                           More of the bois at the temple

Oh man, but one of the coolest things that happened this week was on exchanges. I went with Elder Mills on exchanges, in Beaumont.  We started the day by waking up at 5:40am to go play tennis for an hour. And then, we went and helped President Ross move a couch. And then, as we were planning our day, we got a call from the Hermanas and they needed help because one of them broke their pinky finger and in the end they didn't need us. So we FINALLY got to planning.  And then, on our bike ride to the area we were gonna tract, we got stopped by a random car, and the guy had his wife in the car. She had just gotten out of the hospital and he wanted us to give her a priesthood blessing.  So, we did. We asked him if he was a member and he said he wasn't, but, he said he went to church every week with his wife. So, we asked him why he hasn't been baptized yet, He said he had some hold ups, so we left it at that. 

Scott and Amanda made us lunch 🙏

Then, we met a super cool YSA guy that was really interested in the gospel! So that was SWEET.

Then, on our way home, we got stopped AGAIN. This time, we got stopped by a member, He said he wanted to buy us lunch and he would give us a ride wherever we wanted to. So, we got Chipotle and it was soooooooo goooood. I haven't had Chipotle in FOREVER. I loved every second of that burrito. But after that, we went and gave a blessing to the Hermana that broke her pinky. Then, after that, we went to Lumberton to have a lesson about the Sacrament, with a recent convert. He seemed really cool and was telling us that he was getting his license so he could come to church on his own and to go to institute. So, that was cool.

Thanks for the bow tie mama

After that, we knocked around for a little more and then went back to Buna.

We also gave talks in church yesterday and it was way cool. Elder Hazelton talked about missionary work in the ward. I talked about the ward goals on increasing baptisms and increasing Sacrament attendance and increasing Temple attendance. It was very cool and I talked for 15 minutes, but I could have talked for 20 minutes, cuz I had a lot to say. I mainly talked about the importance of all 3 and how they link together. I loved being able to talk about it.

Me n Jax lookin serious with a gun

I learned about our purpose here on earth this week too:

Moses 1:39 says: "For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man."

So that is what our Heavenly Father wants for us and in 2 Nephi 31:19-20 it gives you what we can do to gain those things:

19 And now, my beloved brethren, after ye have gotten into this strait and narrow path, I would ask if all is done? Behold, I say unto you, Nay; for ye have not come thus far save it were by the word of Christ with unshaken faith in him, relying wholly upon the merits of him who is mighty to save.

20 Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.

And so this just gives you the guidelines that we need to follow to gain that. Honestly, the whole chapter is so good. But we need to follow the gospel of Jesus Christ always, and always strive to follow his teachings and become more like him. So do it!!!
I found Elder Mote

BUT yeah, my week has been super fun and I am loving my time out here!

Love y'all, 
Elder Furphy


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