Week #24 - Legend of the Beef Duck πŸ¦†πŸ„πŸ¦†πŸ˜œπŸ₯© πŸ—ΏπŸ—ΏπŸ—ΏπŸ‡¨πŸ‡­(shout out to Elder Ure)

OOOOooOooooOoOOOOooooOooOoO baby. Yeah that duck was real good. But that comes later bb πŸ˜‰.

Alrighty, so this week was pretty fire. No, we don't have people on date, but we are fixin' to change that. So to begin, a background bb... So for the past 8 weeks I have gotten to be good friends with the mission mom of Buna, Barbara, and her son, David. I never thought much about them getting baptized cuz Barbara said she didn't like people forcing religion on her and that she would come to us when she was ready. Big oof. BUT this story has a twist. Elder Hazelton and I have been getting real close to David these last few weeks and randomly during one of our Texas-opoly matches he asked us when our church service started. I was like, "what the FREAK, no way." and we were like "9am. Are you gonna be there?" and he was like, "yeah, I think I will". So, that was very cool.

 I found a vet nice cat

THEN, the next day, we took David on a church tour and can I just give like 50 high fives to the Holy Ghost? Cuz, he was there the whole time bb. We took David into the chapel and we sat in silence for about 5 min and I then asked him what he felt and he said he had never felt the spirit like this, in a long time. Let's just say it was a very good tour.

 Some cool clouds 

On Wednesday, we went on Blitzes with our Zone Leaders and that was pretty fire, as well. We ended up getting 2 new people to teach from it. It was raining super hard though! Elder Robison and I were walking down the road in the pouring rain and he saw some water and was like, "I bet it's not that deep." and proceeded to walk into it and pretty soon he was thigh deep in freezing water. My feet were already soaked too, so I may or may not have followed him in lol. Hey man, it's for the pic. #NotWorthIt

 Knee deep but the Bible makes it bearable

 Elder Robison and I in the rain bb

But, we met a methodist who didn't seem too interested at first, but, as we made connections with him, he opened up more and took a Book of Mormon and said we could come back. So yeah, my good friend the Holy Ghost was with us πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€. Turns out that Hazelton and Davies found some super promising people too, so I am excited for this week.

Friday was pretty cool! So we started by going to Fred, Texas, for district training with the Jasper District and you know that means I got to see my Boi Elder Ure πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ. It was very insightful and inspiring.  We now can't drive our cars on Saturday, until 5 pm. So, we are gonna BIIIIIKE to meet the good ol people of Buna. Also, from the second lesson on with people, we MUST have a member present, or we have to cancel the lesson. So yeah, I just got more involved with our ward. After that though, we went to a little sweet diner called 92 and it was SUPER GOOD. All the boys went and we had a great time together. Oh and thanks for getting me my Swiss Tech jacket elder UreπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘.

Me and Elder Pretty Boy

BUT, we had to speed home cuz we had a trip with destiny. And by destiny, I mean the temple. We went to the temple with Scott and Amanda, our recent converts. That was so cool. I got to help in the confirmation room by checking the boxes, on the papers, with names on them. I also got to do some confirmations. Super cool! 


Oh, but the coolest thing, on Friday, was in the morning cuz we went tracting with David! He's not even a member and wanted to go around with us knocking doors and sharing his testimony with people! It was really awesome.

The bois (me, David, and Elder Hazelton) before tracting

Now. The story you've all been waiting for. DUCKS!! So, this all started on the car ride home from the temple when Bishop Peters said he was going to help butcher some duck, on Saturday. So I naturally asked if we could help and he said yes. So, the next morning, we went to our Elders Quorum President, Brother Allen's house and had a real good time. He grabbed the first duck, put it in a cone, held its head, grabbed his machete aaaaaand, THWACK! No mo' duck head bb. He said if he didn't put it in the cone, the duck would run around and could jump over the fence. So me, being me, asked him if we could do that.  Brother Allen just smiled and said yeah. So on the next one, he cut the head off and pulled it out of the cone and let it loose! That dood just ran around and flapped its wings and then went still on the ground. I got real close to get a gnarly pic and right when I was about 2 inches away the duck jumped at me and I got some blood sprayed on me 😜. But, I got to massage soap onto the ducks so there wouldn't be oil on them. I also helped skin and gut a duck, so that was cool. The finale of the Duck came yesterday though when we got to eat it! No joke, this duck tasted like BEEF. It was wild! I still can't believe it. 

  My recently beheaded but clean duck

The finale of our duck adventure

2 hour church was weird on Sunday, but, it was nice to have people discussing what they learned. So I'm glad members are starting to take their studying more seriously. 

Seriously though guys, Come Follow Me, is the coolest thing ever. I've had such great studies just from the scriptures it gives me to read. This first week of studying was so cool! We got to study about studying! How cool is that??? One of my favorite scriptures, that I read this week, was from 1 Thessalonians 5:21 which reads, 
"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." 

I didn't think too much about it at first, but as I pondered it, I came to realize how profound it it. The footnote for the word Prove says to Examine or put to the test. So in turn, you need to put to test the things you read in the scriptures and then, if you find it to be good, to hold on to it and continually apply it in your life. I thought that was so cool. 

Also, I have a study journal now for my studies and I have been able to go back through it and see all the promotings I get as I read the word of God. It's so cool. The main thing I got out of this week's studies is that we need to have the desire to learn as we read, but not just the desire to learn, we need to act on what we learn because what would that revelation be then? It would just be information sitting in your head. God doesn't want you to just keep your knowledge to yourselves, he wants you to share it! Share what you learn with others! It will brighten their days bb. 

BUT yeah, that was my week. I liked it. I know we're gonna have some more fire weeks ahead of us, so stay tuned πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ˜‰πŸ”₯πŸŽ‚. 

Me n my best friend 

I hope you all are doing awesome! This new year is going to be AMAZING. 2019 will only be magical if you take the first step to make it happen. 

I love you all so much! 

Ya Boi, 
The one, 
The only, 
Elder Furphy πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ”₯πŸ˜˜πŸ˜œπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ


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