Week #17 - Ooooo Baby, It's A Wild Time πŸ‘πŸ˜

Shout out to Elder Morris, it's all good bud, I believe in you. 
Shout out to Elder Ure, you are one cool dude and have helped me through a ton 😘

BUT now it's on to my week!
So, the week started out fantastic because we got the chance to go to the temple and I had some questions that I would like answered, so it was perfect. We got a ride with Elder Ure and Elder King, both very cool guys, by the way. They are super cool guys. But yeah, we went to the temple and I had a good talk with Elder Ure and Elder Douglass and they gave me council on how I can do better work here, in Buna, and how to get my comp MOTIVATED. So yes, it was a good time. We then rode the 3 hours home and went to a cool scripture study, in Woodville, with Elder Ure and King. It was super sweet. Then, we quickly went to the Woodville apartment and Elder Ure and I took some picsπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ.

Elder Furphy and Elder Ure

                                                                     Elder Furphy and Elder Ure

Then, on Wednesday, we basically went tracting the whole day, but we went to this cool place called Chuck's and I got me a flipping huge burger haha. Should have gotten the redneck nachos. But it's all good, "we'll be back" (terminator reference). But yeah, we then kept knocking and we ran into a sweet old couple. I said I had to tinkle and they let us in πŸ˜‰. We ended up having a good talk with them. I shared some word of wisdom stuff with them. They seemed to like it. They eventually asked if we were hungry and I said, "I will never turn away food." We had dinner with them. So that was very cool. Then, they said they were going to church in a couple of hours and they invited us to come along. So we said sure cuz we didn't have much going on. They said to meet at the United Pentecostal Church around 6:45pm. We said we'd be there. I was very excited.

 Good old Flex SealπŸ‘Œ"now that's a lot of DAMAGE" 

So 6:25 came around and we went and visited some people before the church started, then we went to the church.  We were able to sit with the couple we met and we met the pastor. He seemed excited that we were there. There would be a missionary from Africa speaking that night, so I was like "sweeeeeeet". And then, it began. Right away at 7:30, drums started going off and the gospel music began and everybody stood up and raised their hands. It was a blast, but totally couldn't feel the spirit. It was super loud. The missionary gave a lot of cool stories about how he healed people, in Africa. Also, there was a part where I stepped out of the pew to let someone out and the pastor saw me do that and he said, "everybody I'd like to thank these young Latter-day Saint men for being here tonight, so if you could all just give them a hand and greet them that would be amazing." Then everyone proceeded to clap for us and shake our hands. So, that was cool. At the end, they had their final prayer where the pastors walked around and put their hands on people's faces and people started shaking and speaking in "tongues", so that was fun. But yeah, that was a fun night. Not too spiritual though.

 Elder Loynd and I before the pentacostal church started

 Pentacostal church boiiiii

Then on Thursday, we knocked into one of the Pentecostal we met the night before, which was cool.  We talked to him for a while. But he seems really into it, so I don't think we'll be swaying him anytime soon haha. 

my lizard friend

Friday, we had exchanges and I got to go to Silsbee with our District Leader, Elder Mote. He's a cool guy and we had a grand time. We actually got fed, which was cool. Then we celebrated Elder Loynd's year mark and we burned him a shirt. That was fun.

Then, on Saturday, we helped an older couple in the ward clean out their garage.  I got a free V neck, which really isn't my style, but hey it's free! Then, we went to the dump and trashed all that stuff. Then, we had a pretty good rest of the day just knocking around and finding ways to stay busy.


Sunday was cool. Elder Loynd sang in church and he blew the ward away. So that was fun. I also miiiiiight be borrowing a trumpet so I can play in the Christmas party, on the 15th, next month. That'll be legendary. Bishop also fed us so that was very appreciated.

BUT yeah, this week was good. We have our bumps, but that's just normal for the life of a servant of the Lord. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh spiritual thought issssss, uhhhhhhh go read 3 Nephi. It's super cool. And think of ways to thank others for what they do. It is Thanksgiving after all 😏.

Y'all stay legendary,
Elder Furphy πŸ—πŸ¦ƒπŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ˜‡πŸ’―πŸŽ‰


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