Week #12 - Ooo baby it's a General Authority. Oh and a LuauπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

Hi. This is another weekly my dudes. Or gals.

So this was a week packed full of stuff and I hardly remember all of it.  But, I will try my best to recall the good moments.  Soooooo, here we go. 

First off, we are teaching a very nice lady named Kim and she is just wonderful.  Every lesson we teach, she just gets it and wants to learn more.  She also texts us questions throughout the week and is awesome about learning about this gospel.  We put here on date for baptism and she is very excited😁.  She also came to church yesterday and we helped her understand what the Sacrament was and the members, in the ward, were very friendly to her, so that helps a LOT.  I can't wait to keep teaching herπŸ‘πŸ‘. 

NEXT, we had a very cool study session with our Stake President, President Rascon, and he is super spiritual and awesome.  He used to be a news anchor which is way cool too!  I always love being around him.

THEN, we got to go to a Tri-Mission conference with Elder Jeffrey R. Holland.  This was one of the most cool experiences of my life.  Elder Holland is part of the Quorum of the 12 and he is over our mission.  When he came in the church, he said he wanted to shake every missionary's hand.  So I got to shake his hand!  I said my name was Elder Furphy and that I was from Chandler, Arizona and he said "welcome Elder."  He later told everyone that our handshake with him was an interview and that he needed that time shaking our hands to look into our souls 😱.  THAT WAS WILD! 

We also thought that Elder Holland was gonna roast us, but instead he said he was impressed with us and that he isn't easily impressed.  He said that we need to keep striving to do good and that we need to use all of our energy doing missionary work.  "Hit the floor running and go home on a gurney".  I loved listening to him talk.  I got 3 1/2 pages worth of notes from him.  He also said that President Nelson has talked about the second coming more than any prophet, so we need to be ready!  But yeah, it was a very cool meeting.  I got to see the boys from the MTC there too. Elder Ure, Ewell, and Morris! They are doin good and that makes me happy!

FINALLY, the Stake Luau. Oh. Man. This was a week's worth of practice. So last pday, Elder Latu invited Elder Osborne to participate in a cultural dance for the luau, on Saturday.  I used to be in a club Called ACE (Asian Cultural Ethics) back in high school and I participated in cultural dances then so I was eager to join Elder Latu.  The crew for the dance ended up being me, Elder Latu, Mickelson, Setoki, Kennach, and Osborne.  We would wake up every day at 5:30am and go practice.  There were two parts to the dance, a stick part and a more modern part.  But yeah, we worked our butts off and finally the night of the luau came. We were given lavalavas to wear and I got an orange one.  So we didn't have to wear pants - woo hoo!  Our outfits were our white shirts and ties, the lavalavas and some leaves on our ankles. It was very cool and we ran out on stage and we put on quite the show for the Stake Luau. I had a super great time there and I know everyone else there did too.

Elder Furphy and Elder Osborne

Elder Ewell and Elder Furphy

Link to the Luau dance: (start at 1:16)

But yeah, this week was super fun and I learned a lot! I can't wait to see what happens!

Love y'all,
Elder Furphy


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