Week #8 - Temple Week Baby & Get ready for Conference!

Why hello there!

Oh man this sure was a good week.

 Elder Furphy and Elder Wood

SO, it started off with Tuesday.  Then wed- jkjk. So, on Tuesday, I got to lead out which was cool cuz I had no idea where to go but I sure lead Elder Wood to different places in Humble.  We stopped by this older lady's house and her name is Naomi and she is very sweet.  She said we could come back later, but she wasn't feeling to well that day. So we are going back this Wednesday.  We also went to this apartment complex and this guy walked outside and was going in the opposite direction than us but he turned around and saw us and walked up to us and said, "Do you have a pamphlet for me? I don't have time to talk right now, but I will later." I was like, "cool" and we gave him one and he left. Didn't get his name, but he is from Washington. So I call him Washington dude.

We also had a great comp study with the zone leaders. We all talked about how recently, people in church, have been assigned to talk in church about the next General Conference coming up. And even yesterday, in church, we had the Stake President, a High Counselor, and the Area Authority come to our Sacrament and tell us that we need to make sure we have a strong testimony or else this next conference will shake our faith.   So yes. It will be a fantastic conference. πŸ˜πŸ‘Œ SO BUILD YOUR FAITH ON A ROCK AND NOT SAND, PEOPLE.

Anywho, back to Tuesday, we visited a recent convert, Victoria, and has a lesson about the restoration with her. We told her about the temple trip, on Friday, and she said she wants to go.  So we scheduled a meeting with our bishop to get her a temple recommend. Tuesday was very cool. πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜‰


WEDNESDAY wasn't all that productive. Mainly cuz nobody wanted to talk. BUT we got to do some service at HAAM, which was very cool. We also were able to find a ride to the temple for Victoria. We found a ride too. 


THURSDAY we got pranked by some Elders in our district.  So after weekly planning we were heading out for “hour of power” and we saw some missionaries in their car outside.  They tried to drive away when they saw us, but we caught them and asked what they were doing there.  They said that they just wanted to check on us. But we had to go, so we did. Then when we got back, we open the door and a wall of heat hits us and literally everything in our apartment is flipped UPSIDE DOWN  LOL.  It was a good one.  But yeah, there was a sign on the kitchen wall that said "kitchen was saved by GRACE".


Hot Wheels Car

Our Pranked Apartment

FRIDAY was a very cool day indeed. Because it was TEMPLE DAY. We had district council today, where there were some low key roasts.

Elder Wood and I met a guy named Kevin, who seemed interested and said we could come back, so that was cool. But then Brother Kiker came and picked us up to go to the temple. The Houston temple is very cool.  It looks like a castle that could be in Legend of Zelda haha. But yeah, it was really cool to see Victoria do baptisms for the first time and Elder Wood and I got to do confirmations for the first time, in the temple. So that was WAY cool.
Elder Furphy - Houston Temple

 Houston Temple

Houston Temple

SATURDAY WAS THE MOST LEGENDARY DAY EVER!   We had exchanges today and Elder Davies came to stay with me, here in Humble.  I made a list of people to visit and we went to the first person and they weren't home.  But Elder Davies went to the neighbor and a man named Doug answered the door. He didn't want to let us in to talk but he talked on the porch. But then, Elder Davies totally got us in by asking about his paintings. Doug is an artist and loves to paint. He is super cool. We were then able to have a lesson with him about the restoration and he seemed to like it. So, we got a return appointment 😁😁.

Elder Furphy and Elder Davies (this might be today's p-day)

THEN, I saw that it was getting close to noon and wanted to head back for lunch. But then Elder Davies suggested that we finish the list, cuz we don't have much to do after lunch.  So we went to Washington dude's house.  I knocked on the door and he answered and said "Do you have any more literature for me?" and I was like "bruh. You know I do".  So he invited us in and was telling us how the devil keeps tempting him, but he is staying strong through his faith in God. And then we had an awesome lesson with him and his sister, Tameka. They absolutely loved it and whenever we gave them a question, they answered it like they were already a member. (Washington dude's name is Brandon, BTW)  It was a really cool lesson and they were just eating up everything we gave them. So we felt prompted to ask them to be baptized and they accepted! Their baptism is scheduled for October 20th. But yeah, they are super prepared.

Cool Car

THEN, on Sunday, we went to church aaaaaaaaaand, Brandon and Tameka did not show up πŸ˜”. But hey, we'll keep meeting with them cuz they are gems!  We had dinner at brother Flores' house, so that made up for the day😁😊.

Sun Behind the Clouds - Elder Wood up ahead

But yep, that was the week. It was really fun and full of surprises. I studied out of the book of Jacob this week and let me tell y'all, Jacob is a roast KING. But yeah there is a ton to learn from him. 

I am happy to be out here and I know the Lord is good!

My challenge for y'all is to read all of last Conference’s talks before next conference AND to be prepared for next conference!

Have a wonderful weekπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜¬πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‘Œ

-Elder Furphy


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