Week #7 - La temporada de huracanes está aquí, bebé (Hurricane season is here, baby)

As the title says, it is true.


HELLO you magnificent children of God!

This week was pretty interesting. So it started off with another exchange because Elder Wood had to go to a leadership meeting.  I got to go on exchanges with Elder Osborne, in the Kingwood area, so that was really cool. They have greenbelts that you can ride through which is like mini forest trails.  But we also helped this 85 year old lady do her yard work cuz she looked like she was about to pass out and we said, "hey you gotta take a breather". So yeah, service is always good. But it was good to be back with my companion, at the end of the day. BUT the best thing of Monday was that Elder Morris came and slept over cuz we had a meeting the next day and they didn't want to drive all morning to get there so that was awesome 😃😃

Elder Furphy and Elder Morris together again!

Elder Furphy and Elder Morris together again!

THEN, we had a New Missionary Training meeting, on Wednesday. That was a really cool experience and I had the idea that “gratitude IS attitude” reinforced. So yeah, that was really good. But oh man, I got reunite with an amazing dude. Can you guess who? Oooooooo baby, it was Elder Ure, baby!!!! Right when I walked in the room we made eye contact and had the biggest grins in our faces. The whole MTC group was back together again! (Elder Ewell, Morris and Ure) so yeah that was a very good time 😊. But then, after that meeting, we biked out to Kenswick to help a lady in our ward move furniture.  After that, we met a cool dude named Adrian who listened to us and said we could come back. We also talked to a preacher and that was way too fun to listen to him. He had some fun apostate ideas.

Elder Furphy and Elder Morris - New Missionary Training meeting

Elder Ewell, Elder Ure, and Elder Morris - New Missionary Training meeting

Elder Furphy and Elder Ure - New Missionary Training meeting

Elder Furphy and Elder Ure - New Missionary Training meeting

THEN, on Thursday, we went to HAAM for some service and met up with the sister there and we made some food packs. Pretty sure there was a ghost spider in the milk room at HAAM. So yeah that was spoooooky. 👻🕸️🕷️ lol. Then we just rode around all day.  We had our 8pm “hour of power” and no one wanted to talk, but it's all good.


THEN, we had district council on Friday and it was good. We learned about how we can love God more.  We went to visit a person we are teaching named Sean, but on our way there we could see a literal wall of rain in the distance, but where we were it was completely dry. And so we rode directly into the wall and got soaked 🌊🌊🌊. But yeah, we went and visited some more people. But, on our way home, we found a mystery path that led into the woods………so we rode down it and it led to an open area with a train and a random sketchy couch.  That was cool, it was really hazy and was like a dream state, but it was really interesting. 









THEN, we had a pretty wild day on Saturday. Soooooo, we went to visit Victoria, but she wasn't home, which was a bummer. BUUUUT, there were some people out front, next door.   So we went to talk to them and I said, "hello sir! How are ya doing this fine afternoon?" and he said he didn't speak much English and I was like oh man do I have a surprise for you 🙄🙄. So I proceed to say "mi Español es no bueno" and he laughed at that but then (props to Chandler Stewart for giving me the words to say) I proceeded to say, "Somos los misioneros de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los ultimos dias. ¿Quiere escuchar una mensaje sobre nuestro señor y Salvador Jesucristo?" and he didn't really seem that interested, but I bore my testimony in broken Spanish (thanks for the Spanish boost Mrs. Cammack 😁😁) and I gave him a Spanish pamphlet with the sisters number and told him he would be happy if he read it. He took it and I was very happy. So yes, it was a great day. Oh and on our way home we got caught in the rain and we got SOAKED. So we stopped by Curtis' house and he dried our clothes and fed us, so that was really nice. 



THEN, we had a good Sunday. Nothing much happened. BUT I did get a package from Uncle Ron and he gave me more socks! Yay! So I am very grateful for that. Uuuuum, but yeah mission life is good and I am learning so much! 2 Nephi is super cool. And I know that the book of Mormon is a great book to learn from. But, have a great day everyone!

 I forgot my other socks at home 

Elder Davies at McDonald's


See yall next week😁😀🌊😅
Elder Furphy 


From Elder Morris' mom:

Well I just got Elder Morris' email... And it sounds like those pictures were fresh from this week!    They all got to get together for a New Missionary Training... And Elder Morris got to stay at Elder Furphy's apartment that night. He said it was the greatest day of his whole entire mission! That they all had so much fun catching up... I'm so excited for them!!!  I'm so grateful for you boys... They have literally changed Elder Morris' life!!!


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