Week #6 - Hello you beautiful people!

Hello you beautiful people,

This week began with exchanges and I got to go on it with Elder Stevens and that ZL right there is a pretty cool dude.  We drove around the Kingwood area and talked to all kinds of people.  The best was when we were knocking doors and we came across a couple of dudes and they were super fun to talk to haha.  OH, but, better yet, we had an amazing dinner.  A lady in the ward cooked us a huge pizza wrap thing and gave us a jar of sauce to dip it in and it was very, very good. 😃😃

The best dinner

The next day, Elder Wood and I were on our way to HAAM (place we volunteer at) when Elder Wood ran over a nail and got an instant flat.  So we had to fix that.  Right around noon, a guy in our ward, Bro. Flores asked us if we could help a guy in our ward move.  So we biked over there and this guy had barely put anything in the moving truck, so we were there for a while.  But it was all good nonetheless because they took us to Hippo Burger after and dude they have some good burgers😋😋

THEN, we had a really interesting day... It was ZONE CONFERENCE.  It was a cool experience and we learned a lot on how to be better missionaries.  I got to see Elder Ewell there, so that was super nice and we got to catch up. (He really appreciated the card, mom.)  

I found Elder Ewell at a Zone Conference!

Elder Ewell is very thankful for the card mom

BUT, the most spiritually inspired thing happened right after.  So we were all waiting outside after it was over and I saw this car with a bunch of missionaries standing around it and the car had writing all over it. I went to go check things out and Elder Anderson told me to get Elder Wood over there.  So I got him, thinking we were about to be Bible bashing, but to our surprise we met Bobby Williams. He is one cool dude. He said that he felt that everything was wrong in the world and that people were accusing him of stuff he didn't do.   He was driving around trying to figure out how to get help and he felt prompted to turn into our church parking lot.   When he got there, he saw a bunch of missionaries walking out and said he wanted to be like us.  So, we taught him the first lesson and he really liked it.  We gave him a BoM and invited him to church.   He said he'd be there.   So yes, miracles do happen.

The next day, we went knocking down a street and the whole street rejected us in the most kind ways haha,  so that was nice.   One guy told us to "stay blessed, not stressed, cuz you're blessed by the best". He made that street fun to knock. Then we visited some Mexican members, the Ortegas, and they had us try their salsa and dude that was way too good. Then we hung out with Curtis and he fed us and we taught him a little bit. He is THE man.

Curtis' 70's band picture - looks like a family tree

On the first of September, we went to a recent convert's house named Victoria and taught her and her less active son, Benny, some of the recent convert lessons and they both seemed to really like them. It was a really cool experience.  But after the lesson, we had to BOOK it home so we could make it to ward coordination on time. What a trip.

Then fast Sunday rolled around and we had a very good time at church.  But what happened after was even better.  We had to bike out to Kenswick for some appointments, but it's like a 40 minute bike ride.  We did it anyways.  But we knew it about to rain.  So 30 minutes into the ride it just started pouring rain and lightning was everywhere and it was a BLAST.  Riding in the rain is so much fun, I love it. The rain here is way more extreme than Arizona, but that makes it even better 😉😁😁🌧🌩🌧🌩🌧️⛈️💧💧💧💧💧🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

Wonderful clouds

Buuuuuut yeah, mission life is a great challenge and I am glad to step up to it!

I have recently been reading in 2 Nephi.  The Isaiah chapters are suuuuuper good.  If you read them super in depth you will learn sooooo muuuuuch, it's crazy!   ALSO you guys should read the Pearl of Great Price, cuz there is some much good stuff in there.  If you guys study facsimile 2 and really look at what is in it,  you will learn way more about the gospel and what it has to offer.  It is super cool and I am really enjoying learning about this gospel even more.

My study guide

 Some of my studies. Each color is a different part of our missionary purpose. 

I hope all is well at home and I hope you all are dooooooing the right thing!

Best wishes, 

Elder Furphy 😉😉😇🤠🤠😎😎😲🌟⛈️🌫️☔

NOW that is what we really eat. Burnt toast PB & J (Food Fusion at it's best)

Pretty flower

Pretty flower

Elder Wood caught a lizard

 Elder Wood and Elder Furphy - rainy day!


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