Week #1 - "Is this loss?" (Meme reference)


   This week was super cool! I have been having a great time with Elder Morris (my comp).  We have a great district: Elders Morris, Mosley, Ure, Ewell, Jeppsen, Taylor, Rhodes and  Sisters Miller, Stinquest, and Smithson. They are all awesome and they have a great spirit about them, but, we all know how to have a good time. 

   Elder Morris and I got to teach an "investigator" named Joe and he is super awesome to teach. We have learned so much on how to teach the gospel. It has been a great experience. We are planning on challenging him to be baptized on Thursday. So super exciting! 

   I think I have learned more here than I ever have in all my years going to my home ward. It's crazy. The first day felt like they stuck a firehose to my head and let it rip, but it slowly died down and I began to learn a lot! 

   Oh, so funny story, when we got off the plane, all the elders and I tried looking for the shuttle to go to the MTC and we didn't really know where to go, so we waited in the area where we thought to wait and we eventually got on a shuttle 2 hours later, cuz apparently the shuttle left at 10:06am and we landed at 10:18am so we missed it by a long shot. Lol but we made it eventually. 

   Also thanks, mom, for all the food you've sent it is A LOT, but I think we can make it last in the room. Elder Ure has become a great friend because we both have a common interests in memes. We have been making too many "Is this loss?" memes and it has been a blast. Elder Morris has been joining in on the fun. So we have been taking a lot of fun pictures and a lot of cool pictures. 

   OH, Elder Morris and I have been teaching a guy named Shaun Kim. He had questions of who God is and what the church is about.  We taught him that God does love him and that He cares for him. He really like our message and we taught him that he can endure all his trials through his faith in God. We challenged him to pray to know for himself if God was there and he accepted. We then taught him how to pray and we prayed with him and he lead the pray. It was a way cool experience. Morris and I are gonna give him a Book of Mormon on Wednesday. 

   Lol we have been having a great time in our room at night. We are currently working on impressions of characters and my Scooby Doo impression is super good and my roomies are loving it. Haha we might be having a little too much fun but it's all right. We have been having a good time and I can't wait for what's to come. I will send pics in a different email! 

So long but not for long! 😎😎

Elder Furphy's MTC District -
Sister Stenquist, Sister Miller, Sister Smithson, Elder Taylor, Elder Mosley,
Elder Furphy, Elder Morris, Elder Jeppsen, Elder Rhodes, Elder Ure, Elder Ewell 

 Elder Furphy and Elder Ure

 Elder Morris at choir

 Elder Furphy and Elder Morris

  Meme Squad - Elder Furphy, Elder Morris and Elder Ure (waving)

Loss meme

  Elder Morris and Elder Furphy

 Elder Ure

Elder Furphy and Elder Tyler Jameson (Chandler Stewart's cousin)

 Elder Morris and Elder Furphy with the MTC Choir Director

The song we're singing tonight is about this story. It's called "Hurrah for Israel"


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